As a chemist, what would you say are the compounds that form on the
bottom of a CS production cell under each respective electrode.  I
have noticed this particularly when using straight (unbent) wires for
electrodes with no stirring of the solution.  There is a white
precipitate under one electrode and a browner or yellower precipitate
(if I remember right) under the other.  These materials seem to
dissolve in the solution as soon as it is stirred.

What is the grey beard material on the cathode and the black material
on the anode?

When I used to make silver jewelery I used to have quite a problem
with tarnishing which I believe was coming from natural gas (possibly
an additive) used for cooking in the home.



On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 11:27 AM, Frank <> wrote:
> Hi list,
> I am obviously late to this thread but as a chemist, I would say that the
> common tarnishing of silver is produced by the formation of a layer of
> silver oxide, not silver sulfide. While it is true that there are some
> sulphur compounds in the atmosphere, the concentration is too small to be of
> consequence.
> Cheers
> FrankND
> -----Original Message----- From: Ode Coyote
> Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2011 7:26 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: CS>[List Owner] Whew!
>  Mike has a tendency to fixate on one idea, which may or may not have any
> real or practical basis, to the exclusion of all other elements that might
> modify that one.
> For instance:  Sulphur can tarnish silver and some is present in the
> environment, therefore, any discoloration of silver HAS to be tarnish from
> exposure to sulphur...and any evidence to the contrary gets ignored or
> warped to fit.
> If anyone points that out,  HE has a fit.
> Ode
> At 10:05 AM 9/24/2011 -0500, you wrote:
>>  Mike Monet originally joined the group back in 2006 with complaints about
>> mold spores which is why he came to us. He was so desparate to find an
>> answer about his mold problem to the point where he was triple washing his
>> clothes and burning holes in his bedsheets with strong chemicals. He even
>> mentioned fires in the microwave in his zealous though misguided attempt
>> to
>> kill the spores he supected were poisening him.
>> Mike is a brilliant electronics engineer. At some point his mind fogged
>> and
>> he suspected the mold. As a result he came here and gleaned information
>> from
>> the group. He improved his eating habits and developed scientific methods
>> of
>> EIS production. His mind began to clear and he began to refine the
>> process.
>> Mike's intelligence is such that he has no social skills nearly to the
>> point
>> of being a sociopath. As he got his mind back (who knows if it was spores
>> or
>> what) he refined existing protocols for EIS production and now has hit on
>> something that makes logical sense to his electonics trained mind. However
>> his focus on things electrical and scientific was to the exclusion of
>> social
>> skills and so he blasted through the group like a bull in a china shop
>> never
>> considering he might be hurting peoples feelings. Indeed he would scoff
>> that
>> a person would allow their rational mind to be overcome by a feeling.
>> I write this so that you the reader might understand a little of the
>> psyche
>> of Mike Monet and perhaps be able to forgive the crude manner in which he
>> communicated. Maybe even have empathy for him as he is surely a lonely
>> person.
>> David Bearrow
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: M. G. Devour []
>> Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 10:09 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: CS>[List Owner] Whew!
>> Hi folks,
>> Whew!
>> Mike M. has safely unsubbed from the group, and I wish him well in his
>> venture.
>> --
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