Thanks Alan,
I have been a Pauling fan for many years and trust his judgement.
This page is now bookmarked for future reference.   In case you are interested  
I have a recipe for making my own ascorbic acid  and aside from the dehydrator  
its FREE.  ( We live in a very humid area so have to use the dehydrator,   left 
them on the table for two days and they molded.)


Organic  Solutions 
Volume 4 - Issue 4

OK!  OK!  OK!  So you just found out that almost all of the Vitamin Boys are 
making their Vitamin-C from Genetically Engineered Corn.  What you are about to 
read is highly confidential and there’s not one  Giant  Pharmaceutical Company 
that wants you to see this data.  

What!  You exclaim.  How am I supposed to get enough Vitamin C into my family 
if I don't buy store bought supplements???

Answer:   You make your own!!!   J

This secret, even the Health Food Stores don't want you know.  You can make 
your very own Vitamin C supplement that is 10 times better than anything you 
could buy in a store at NO EXTRA COST TO YOU!  YES!  IT'S FREE!!!

Does it have a 1,000 Mg of Vitamin C per dosage?  NOPE!  
Does it have the US RDA amount per dosage?  No way Jose!  
Has it been approved by the FDA?  Absolutely Not!  

Well - what does it have then Doc???
It has live enzymes that allow the Vitamin C to be 100% assimilated into your 
body.  It has its own natural source of Rutin, Hesperidin, and Bioflavonoids.  
It's easily acquired and easy to make and even tastes absolutely awesome!

C'mon Doc!  Knock off the suspense and tell one and all what this miracle 
source is!  

It's Orange & Lemon Peels!

That's right.  Just plain ordinary Orange or Lemon peels left over from the 
ORGANIC Oranges and Lemons you usually buy at the store will do the trick.  
Save all of your peels after you eat the inside of the fruit and cut them into 
thin strips.  Place on a plate on your dining room table and let dry at room 
temperature for a couple of days until dry and crisp.  Break up into smaller 
pieces and mix with your favorite tea (makes the tea taste great, but this 
approach will destroy the enzymes because of the heat).  Better yet, place the 
peel strips into your coffee grinder and grind into a powder (won't hurt the 
enzymes) and use to mix with your early morning Health drink. One rounded 
teaspoon will supply you with more Organic Vitamin-C Complex, Rutin, 
Hesperidin, & Bioflavonoids than your body needs for the day regardless of your 
size.  A rounded teaspoon of fresh homemade citrus peel powder mixed in your 
blender with some fresh organic apple juice
 tastes awesome.  Get even more creative and add some of your favorite fruit to 
the mixture.  
Yours in Knowledge, Health and Freedom,

Ian “Doc” Shillington  N.D. 


 From: Alan Jones <>
Sent: Monday, 6 August 2012, 11:21
Subject: Re: CS>Shingles

The Pauling Therapy basically indicates that you should take as much as you 
can, short of bowel issues (can be up to 15 grams).  I've been taking about 3-5 
grams of sodium ascorbate a day, even this much gets me a little gassy.  I 
can't take nearly that much ascorbic acid without getting gas.

Here is a nice summary of the therapy:


On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 9:29 AM, Zoe W <> wrote:

Perhaps you are right.  I've  been taking 500mg twice a day which is s3 times 
what my Dr. recommended.  Will begin gradually increasing the dose and see what 
happens.  How much Vit C do you take?
> From: Alan Jones <>
>Sent: Monday, 6 August 2012, 9:37
>Subject: Re: CS>Shingles
>Maybe you're not taking enough Lysine?  How much are you taking?
>BTW I've been taking about 6 grams a day, along with vit C (Pauling Therapy, 
>not for Herpes, altho I do occasionally get cold sores when stressed).
Alan Jones

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor 
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to 
the people."  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)