Sounds great, but lipospheric vitamin c is even better. You can do
that yourself.


2012/8/6 Zoe W <>:
> Thanks Alan,
> I have been a Pauling fan for many years and trust his judgement.
> This page is now bookmarked for future reference.   In case you are
> interested  I have a recipe for making my own ascorbic acid  and aside from
> the dehydrator  its FREE.  ( We live in a very humid area so have to use the
> dehydrator,   left them on the table for two days and they molded.)
> Organic  Solutions
> Volume 4 - Issue 4
> OK!  OK!  OK!  So you just found out that almost all of the Vitamin Boys are
> making their Vitamin-C from Genetically Engineered Corn.  What you are about
> to read is highly confidential and there’s not one  Giant  Pharmaceutical
> Company that wants you to see this data.
> What!  You exclaim.  How am I supposed to get enough Vitamin C into my
> family if I don't buy store bought supplements???
> Answer:   You make your own!!!   J
> This secret, even the Health Food Stores don't want you know.  You can make
> your very own Vitamin C supplement that is 10 times better than anything you
> could buy in a store at NO EXTRA COST TO YOU!  YES!  IT'S FREE!!!
> Does it have a 1,000 Mg of Vitamin C per dosage?  NOPE!
> Does it have the US RDA amount per dosage?  No way Jose!
> Has it been approved by the FDA?  Absolutely Not!
> Well - what does it have then Doc???
> It has live enzymes that allow the Vitamin C to be 100% assimilated into
> your body.  It has its own natural source of Rutin, Hesperidin, and
> Bioflavonoids.  It's easily acquired and easy to make and even tastes
> absolutely awesome!
> C'mon Doc!  Knock off the suspense and tell one and all what this miracle
> source is!
> ------------------------------
> It's Orange & Lemon Peels!
> That's right.  Just plain ordinary Orange or Lemon peels left over from the
> ORGANIC Oranges and Lemons you usually buy at the store will do the trick.
> Save all of your peels after you eat the inside of the fruit and cut them
> into thin strips.  Place on a plate on your dining room table and let dry at
> room temperature for a couple of days until dry and crisp.  Break up into
> smaller pieces and mix with your favorite tea (makes the tea taste great,
> but this approach will destroy the enzymes because of the heat).  Better
> yet, place the peel strips into your coffee grinder and grind into a powder
> (won't hurt the enzymes) and use to mix with your early morning Health
> drink. One rounded teaspoon will supply you with more Organic Vitamin-C
> Complex, Rutin, Hesperidin, & Bioflavonoids than your body needs for the day
> regardless of your size.  A rounded teaspoon of fresh homemade citrus peel
> powder mixed in your blender with some fresh organic apple juice tastes
> awesome.  Get even more creative and add some of your favorite fruit to the
> mixture.
> Yours in Knowledge, Health and Freedom,
> Ian “Doc” Shillington  N.D.
> --
> ________________________________
> From: Alan Jones <>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, 6 August 2012, 11:21
> Subject: Re: CS>Shingles
> The Pauling Therapy basically indicates that you should take as much as you
> can, short of bowel issues (can be up to 15 grams).  I've been taking about
> 3-5 grams of sodium ascorbate a day, even this much gets me a little gassy.
> I can't take nearly that much ascorbic acid without getting gas.
> Here is a nice summary of the therapy:
> -Alan
> On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 9:29 AM, Zoe W <> wrote:
> Perhaps you are right.  I've  been taking 500mg twice a day which is s3
> times what my Dr. recommended.  Will begin gradually increasing the dose and
> see what happens.  How much Vit C do you take?
> zoe
> ________________________________
> From: Alan Jones <>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, 6 August 2012, 9:37
> Subject: Re: CS>Shingles
> Maybe you're not taking enough Lysine?  How much are you taking?
> BTW I've been taking about 6 grams a day, along with vit C (Pauling Therapy,
> not for Herpes, altho I do occasionally get cold sores when stressed).
> -Alan
> --
> Alan Jones
> "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
> prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or
> to the people."  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)

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