This method sounds cheaper and more fun, lol
There I go with the cheaper thing again!
I am all for what can help the most I guess and conscious of cost
in all alternatives. If we all bought every supplement and device advised
it would be extremely prohibitive! So many people have to consider costs
much more than I do, economics are a reality always to be considered.

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 12:50 AM, Jane MacRoss

> **
> I was told 15 golden sultanas a day soaked for three days in gin was a
> cure for sciatica - I mean you soak a heap of the sultanas and take 15 a
> day - well I don't drink alcohol and found 15 a bit much but I don't have
> sciatica now!!
> Always wanted an inversion table tho - do you have one Rowena?
> Jane
> The person who showed me his Inversion Table said he had fixed his
> sciatica with it.
> R