Breathe a lot, Alan.

Breathe in thru' your nose to a count of 5
Exhale thru' your mouth to a count of 10

Use any numbers you want and increase them as your capacity increases. Just make sure you exhale much longer than you inhale. Do this until you want to pant and quit. There are many formulae for breathing down to the stomach or breathing shallowly thru the top of the lung....see what suits you.

Magnesium relaxes. Iodine helps folks with emotional stuff. Vitamin C and B complex are used up quickly during times as stress; increase your intake.

Sing romatic songs from your youth. Do NOT sing the blues and do not sing downer country songs. IF you use affirmations, speak them, don't just think them. Your subconscious needs to hear it.

If you're not accustomed to exercising; start. Rebound to music that uplifts or walk where you can see beauty. Oddly, I've found the canopied sidewalk of the nearest strip mall works for me--it's comparatively safe and closer to home than any park. Mostly I stick to the rebounder.

I find prayer and meditation on the Psalms serves me very well as long as I don't get stuck in the "destroy my enemies" segments.

Breathe. Smile. Smile reallllly big so it's easier for your face to relax back into a smile than something else. And of course, deal with the trauma.

Shalom,  Saralou

On 11/9/2012 11:36 AM, Alan Jones wrote:
Thanks for all of the great ideas. I am a very spiritual person, I believe things like this happen for a reason, and I KNOW things will be OK ... eventually. It's just getting thru this short term stress....

I wish I could retire, I'm only 51 and my savings are not spectacular.


On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 10:15 AM, Lena Guyot < <>> wrote:

    I agree with PT! That has been such a fundamental thing in my
    lifethat i often forget to even recommend it. L

    On Nov 9, 2012, at 9:24 AM, PT Ferrance wrote:

    I would learn to meditate.  It is the best de-stressor there is.
    Good luck.

    *From:*Alan Jones <
    *To:* <>
    *Sent:*Fri, November 9, 2012 8:43:37 AM
    *Subject:*CS>anxiety and stress

    My world has been turned upside down. After nearly 30 years at
    the same company, where I always got stellar performance reviews
    and incredible raises, bonuses and stock options, all of a
    sudden, without warning, I am told I make too much money and my
    employment is in immediate jeopardy (I'm a software engineer).

    If this wasn't bad enough, my body is responding with extreme
    stress and anxiety, which are severely affecting my ability to
    function in my job, let alone life.

    My wife has some anxiety pills which I have been taking, which
    help a bit.  I hate drugs, however, and am looking for other
    options.  I would think that some effective hypnosis program
    would be useful to get this under control, but so far haven't
    found anything that looks effective.

    Any help is appreciated...

    Alan Jones

    "The powers not delegated to the United States by the
    Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to
    the States respectively, or to the people."  (Tenth Amendment to
    the US Constitution)

Alan Jones

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)

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