Thank you so much for sharing! I will give it a try!

Missy :)

Subject: RE: CS>My story
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 10:32:29 +1030

I'll do my best Missy.


After ridding as much as I could safely of the nail which was rotting and 
disintegrating I just sprayed silver on every day whilst trying to pull the 
crappy remaining nail away from the toe so as to allow plenty of solution to 
get underneath, not easy but got as much as I could under there.  Then after 
putting sock on I soaked the sock with silver over the toe area before putting 
shoe on.  I repeated this for, gee I dunno, praps 2 or 3 weeks.  It's 
impossible to say how long it took to actually stop the fungus because I 
sprayed for the aforesaid amount of time, for all I know it could have wiped it 
out in 24 hours.  The only way I knew it worked was when I observed no more toe 
nail discolouring and rotting, then I stopped the silver and have been watching 
it ever since.  Gotta say, I had that toe under the danged microscope every day 
for ages watching for any changes <g>.


As I am forever skeptical about things I tend to still spray some silver on 
every couple of months, just to be sure to be sure <g> but it appears the nail 
is growing back to normal, there is a bump in the nail from where the dead nail 
meets the new nail though, but that will grow out in time too, it's probly 
about 2/3rds grown out now.  Damn it takes forever for toe nails to grow.  
Every time I think of it I poke my fingernail under the side of the nail 
pulling nail away from the flesh just in case it decides to turn into an 
ingrown toenail or something equally nasty.


Interestingly, when I did a limited amount of research into what the heck was 
going on what I did find is that  it supposedly starts from the nail root, or 
bed I spose, but if memory serves, mine started from the top of the nail on one 
side, but was rapidly working its way down to the root or bed?  It travelled 
down the nail pretty quick I observed, throwing me into panic mode there for a 
while, thought my toe was gunna fall off with Leprosy <g>. 


Bloody hell, maybe it was...???????



Subject: RE: CS>My story
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 17:20:45 -0500

Neville, could you please tell me the method you used for toenail fungus?
Thank you!

Missy :)