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On Aug 24, 2013, at 10:45 AM, "Rusty" <> wrote:

Hi folks...has anyone got suggestions to get rid of skin cancer.....(according 
to the determatologist ìt`s the good kind)  LOL

This came from DB some time ago and I'm sure he won't mind me passing it along.

Best wishes, Roger B

".. I no longer use black salve because of the pain associated with it. Now i 
Lugol's iodine and drive it into the tumor using ion exchange. Take a 6 or 9 
battery and strap the positive terminal to any area on the body. Take a 330 ohm
resistor of any wattage and place it in series with the negative terminal of the
battery and apply Lugol's to a cotton ball and then place the negative lead into
the cotton ball and place it over the tumour. Apply daily for periods in excess 
20 minutes. The tumor will become fully saturated with the iodine solution and 
will quickly die and then sluff off. No pain and little to no scaring. The old 
term for this process was called cataphoresis derived from the cathode or 
terminal of a direct current power source ie., a battery. "

 All you need is a common 330 ohm resistor from Radio Shack, does not matter if 
it's 1/4 watt (tiny ones) or 1/2 watt. Just be sure you get 330 ohm,  NOT any 
other that says 33 or 33K, or 330K. Radio Shack sells these for $1.19 for a 
pack of 5.
Common resistors can have either end attached in any circuit, it does not 
matter which end, they are not directional.