Silver listers,

I been using soap for some 8 years now. The original information came from a 
prof. of Chemistry, Gerard F Judd Phd.

The good prof. was in his 80's when I bought some of his writings from his 
website -- not sure if it's still up. As a young man during and after WWII he 
worked with 'fluorine' (called the devil's element in the higher echelons of 
chemistry and industrial processing of nuclear fuel etc), a super dangerous, 
massive polluting by-product of the nuclear industry -- which they cleverly put 
in drinking water -- Yes! good ole fluoride, and Judd's writings make it plain 
how poisonous it is!!

I have settled on Dove soap after having tried many many soaps. Do NOT use 
liquid soaps -- these are not made with Lye, NaOH. Poisonous Industrial 
pollutants of the oil industry are often components of liquid soaps.

One must try many soaps until one finds a suitable 'tasting' make!

in Silvation, Douglas H

 From: A. Reid Harvey <>
To: Silver List <> 
Sent: Monday, 14 October 2013 3:11 PM
Subject: CS>soap for brushing teeth

Hello All,
For several years now I've been brushing with the original Ivory Soap, and as a 
result my gums appear to be in perfect condition.  But what do I recommend to a 
friend, who can't get the original Ivory?  I'm currently living in Kenya, and 
wonder whether there's a product that's widely available, and otherwise I could 
purchase this in the U.S., several months from now when I visit.  And by the 
way, what deleterious effects would there be, when brushing with ordinary soap?