I came across something today that might interest you about licorice root.
If you use it you should use the deglycerized variety.  I found some pretty
affordable stuff at Swansonvitamins.com .  You could find it other places

"Licorice root has been enjoyed over the centuries as a candy, but it is
also an herb with medicinal properties.

"Licorice root increases the half-life of cortisol—the adrenal stress
hormone—inhibiting the breakdown of adrenal hormones by the liver. As a
result, licorice is useful in reversing low cortisol conditions and helping
the adrenal glands rest and restore function.

"But the bulk of the research with licorice lies in its digestive benefits.
When talking specifically about deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), has been
shown to cleanse the colon, ease constipation, and treat GI disorders such
as colitis and diverticulosis. DGL has even been found to help speed ulcer
healing, ease abdominal spasms and pain, and reduce intestinal irritation.

"Aim for 300-600 mg of licorice root daily, with meals"

DGL Licorice Root Extract
Item: SWH154
Swanson *$6.89*
Size:  385 mg 180 Chwbls

(should be good for 2 months supply according to the above)

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 9:22 PM, Lena Guyot <drumr...@stny.rr.com> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> For several years, I have used Bezwecken's IsoCort to support my adrenals
> that had been pretty much fried by decades of Lyme. I've gone from dragging
> listlessly to feeling energetic and can-do by slowly ramping up to 4
> pellets a day. The top dose is 8 pellets a day, but I've done well on 4.
> IsoCort has supported my adrenals and in doing that, things pointing to
> thyroid issues have eased. I've been very happy with this product.
> Hair-on-fire HELP!
> It's now not available! Everyone's out of stock! Rumors of recall. Dunno
> what's going on. I have one bottle left, but it won't last forever and I'm
> wondering what else works in a similar fashion for some of you out there
> who may be supporting your poor adrenals.
> I'd be so grateful to go into the new year knowing I've got my future
> supplies covered somehow.
> If anyone knows what's going on; if this situation temporary, or, if not,
> what works like Isocort, I'd  really appreciate whatever info you have.
> Darn! One gets a system that works and then someone 'fixes' it! Hardly
> seems fair. Thanks for any help you can offer.
> Be well,
> Léna