I had an abcessed tooth a year or so ago.  I foolishly avoided seeing the 
dentist, so, it gradually got worse and worse.  I ended up using my 'godzilla' 
device which cost me $5 in parts and 5 minutes of my time to make to send 6 
volts of direct current through the infected tissue for about 5 minutes.  Then 
I reversed polarity and ran it for another 5 minutes.  

That put an end to the infection. 

6 volts is extremely safe as long as you do not send it through an open sore.  
There is a yahoo group called 'microelectricitygermkiller' that explores using 
low level direct current to fight infections, colds, flu, insect bites and even 
snake bites.

The way this works is that the current sends trillions of electrons through the 
affected tissue.  The human bady, it's tissues and cells is very resilient to 
electric current if it's not excessive.  Germs and viruses are very sensitive 
to electricity and are quickly killed when low levels of current are sent 
through them.  When it comes to bee stings, snake venom and similar things, the 
current changes the proteins to something not so antagonistic.  

I've had good success with bee stings and also even poison ivy.
I'd tell you how to put all together, but just check out the yahoo group, or 
search youtube videos and you'll find it.

Best of luck.


 From: Deborah Gerard <devorah...@yahoo.com>
To: "silver-list@eskimo.com" <silver-list@eskimo.com> 
Sent: Friday, April 4, 2014 6:19 PM
Subject: CS>Gum infection

Greeting's everyone,

I have been battling a pain free gum infection. It did not start high up on the 
gum but is climbing and destroying my gum tissue. I have tried 
everything..taking CS all during the day...3% hydrogen peroxide..DMSO mixed 
with CS...Oregano oil..I push on the pocket and drain it several times a day 
and the color is light green. It is grossing me out. I have no insurance and 
until I lost my job and year and half ago I kept up on dental visits and 
cleanings. I am 62 and am wondering if age plays into it.
I have even injected the peroxide into the infected area...then switched to the 
cs with DMSO..it's not getting worse but it is not going away. 
Going on the third week now...will it stop eventually?
Any input would be appreciated,

Thanks Deb