My Story of My experience with the Chikungunya virus

My involvement with EIS began some twelve years ago, so those who have been 
around this link for this amount of years, know fully well that I am only a 
“Johnny come lately” with absolutely no medical, biological or scientific 
education or training - I am simply one who stumbled over this wonderful 
product because of my own challenges at that time.    There are elders here on 
this link who go much much further back in time and are basically the ones who 
perfected the methods we all “comelatelys” use today for ourselves.    Bless 
each and every one of them - you all know who you are so no names needed !!!!!  

In 2002 I happened to be in Australia, with a infected tooth which was loose in 
it’s socket thanks to the
fluoride treatment I was given for my baby, (first) teeth, because they were so 
soft, which did improve the 
amounts of visits I used to make then, to the dentist, every week - however 
what was not known then, as far as I am aware, is that fluoride is an 
industrial waste, which is a poison, and which remains inside the jaw bone, and 
with age & time starts to rot the bone, so this is why my tooth became loose.

I, under the virtual pain and threat of death will only take any antibiotic 
with huge resistance - so when the 
tooth started to act up in Perth Western Australia - I asked one of my sisters 
if she knew of anyone who could help me get through my trip and back to Grenada 
before I lost the tooth completely.    She said that she did have a friend who 
made colloidal silver - so down we went to meet him - it was then, that I was 
not only introduced to the product, but also shown how to make both the liquid 
and gel by him and have continued to do so as a business from then until now - 
so I am very familiar with all the positive and negative responses by all those 
over the years who have had their own agenda.

I use colloidal silver as an immune system support, ingesting from a few gulps 
to a cup of colloidal silver
when the situation demands such a dose, in my own view!!!!!     About four 
weeks ago I started to feel very
dull, running an intermittent fever, itching like ants running just below the 
surface of my skin, a rash which
I controlled with my gel, getting no better and no worse until this week 
Tuesday when I decided to have a 
deep tissue massage - which I had not had for about three weeks - and boy did 
this off load the virus with all it’s nasty dirty toxins into my blood stream.  
  I drove home from town, had a shower to get rid of the oils, and got into my 
bed - by 8.00 pm I was in such agony from the pain through out my body - I 
would not wish this on my worst enemy - in fact I can honestly say there is no 
human I dislike enough to send it their way !!!!!    They say that a woman is 
built to forget delivery pain, well friends, all I have to say is, if this is 
so, then I would never have had another child, I would have killed myself 
better than suffer this type of pain ever again in life.    I have a very high 
pain tolerance, which will indicate the degree to which this pain rose during 
Tuesday night and persisted for eight hours.    The entire day Wednesday I was 
in agony, unable to walk, stand up straight, go to the bathroom with any type 
of control over my urine or faeces from the pain cause by any movement of my 
body to crawl was not possible this is how badly it hit me!!!!!     Not fun - 
needless to say my intake of EIS rose to three cups per day as the virus hit me 
harder and harder - today I am happy to say, it is the fourth day of my story, 
and I am able to walk, stand up straight with only a very slight dull ache in 
my joints - yesterday I would not have been able to type, did I do a good thing 
by dumping all the toxins into my blood stream with the massage, I can only 
speculate, because those whom have suffered full blown issues with this virus 
are still suffering - in life there are situations which simply cannot be 
undone and tried another way - I sit here writing to you all and make a 
statement which can be
argued and refuted by all the pundits - EIS does NOT AND CANNOT KILL  a true 
virus but it can and does
contain it from a full blow out event.     All those who choose to take my 
products have proven this to all
and sundry because not one of them has had the virus as others have.

I sincerely hope that this alerts you all, to the possible dangers you all face 
up there, as you have probably read in the media, this virus is raging through 
the Caribbean island chain, creating huge pain and suffering and in some cases, 
in the elderly - 80s plus - even death.     So be warned and protect yourselves 
from those nasty sneaky mosquitos in every way possible.    There is much to be 
read and learned all over the internet about this virus - following right 
behind this one is the Ebola - which has just evidently been introduced as 
well, up there, so we are in for some rough times !!!!!

Stay strong, be blessed and protect yourselves in all ways possible - as one of 
my doctor friends told me, in his opinion it all starts in the gut, from what 
we eat, I totally agree with him which is why I am now watching my ph balance 
in my body with such interest and care.
Thank you all for reading this post, if you are in fact still here, and Mike 
thanks once again for being such
a good captain to the ship called the Silver Link !!!!!
You are all loved and appreciated
Attitude is everything !!!
Sandra George
Colloidal Silver Products
Eye Drops & Topical Gel

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