Just found this in my spam box.

Look locally for a bee keeper or apiary. Phone book, farmer's market, Craig's 
List, Kijiji. etc. If still no luck go to http://forum.beemaster.com and post 
on there looking for  local bee keeper that sells "Raw" honey ie not heated 
above around 110 degrees F.

Regarding organic, that might bee a bit of a stretch because who knows where 
the bees get their pollen. They can range 4 - 5 miles.


On 2014-10-06, at 22:06 PM, finplan65 wrote:

Any sources or recommendations/brands for truly raw, organic honey? Thanks

From: Alan Faulkner <ala...@gmail.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Monday, October 6, 2014 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: CS>I wish to use EIS for eye.

Just make sure the honey is not heated above about 108 degrees F, as Ayurveda 
says that it becomes toxic. This means that it wasn't heated by the farmer for 
extraction or pasteurization or you by putting it in hot water.

The toxicity affects Pitta and the eyes are a Pitta organ.


My DMSO is also 30% distilled water with a little honey added and I still 
dilute it by
40 - 50% (eyeballing it) for topical application and,  for ingesting.. about 1 
tb to 4 - 5 ozs
distilled water.  But I am chicken so would probably add a very, very diluted 
DMSO to any eye
application.  Lola H.

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