What about Brooks Bradley recommending a CS solution with 10% DMSO to be used with a nebulizer or Air Brush Kit from Harbor Freight to combat bronchitis, enphysema etc.?
On 2014-11-02 7:25 PM, Sandra George wrote:
Hi There Victor - I am confused and would like to get clarity - I understand 
that CS cannot penetrate the defence encasement of a virus - expressed in many 
ways - sack of protein, mucus, hides in nerve encasements like herpes, etc.,  
if this is not so then I am happy to be corrected, my understanding is that a 
virus is NOT a pathogen, my understanding is that a pathogen is a single cell 
organism with no protection of any kind and does not hide anywhere for 
protection, again I am happy to be corrected and would like clarity on this - 
which is why CS without any carrier can kill by itself - again if I am wrong 
please correct me.   So my final understanding is that this is why carriers or 
additional healing or combative protocols have to be introduced to assist the 
CS - again please correct me as I truly need clarity on this confusion which I 
feel has been going on now for too long.!!!!!     Thanks to all who have 
endured this discussion.
Attitude is everything !!!
Sandra George
Colloidal Silver Products
Eye Drops & Topical Gel

On 2 Nov 2014, at 19:59, Victor Cozzetto <victor.cozze...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Leila, Sandee,

I think there is some misunderstanding here that needs to be addressed, as I 
have seen it written more than once now.

DMSO as a carrier - agreed.

My concern is about comments referring to biofilm and other carrier actions:

CS is one of the only things that DOES penetrate biofilm, and it does it all on 
 its own. DMSO, MSM, MMS, etc., are not necessary for CS to do this. (You 
mentioned this in another post yesterday Sandee).

CS will stop all known pathogens that it comes into contact with. It does not 
need anything else to stop a virus. Stopping, disabling, etc., is the same end 
result as killing. No pathogen has ever been found that can survive silver.

I believe the confusion may come from the fact that some pathogens can hide in 
parts of the body that CS cannot reach, or cannot reach in sufficient quantity. 
This is where something like DMSO comes into play.

I do not personally use DMSO, but I have seen enough to believe that it 
effectively augments CS. I personally use the Beck Protocol (zappers, CS, 
ozonated water) when CS alone is not enough.

I saw MMS, MSM, and oxygen grouped in as carriers too, and I think this is also 
not completely correct:

  - MSM can provide some DMSO, and thus be a carrier; however, I think that 
carrier effect is insignificant. I believe the value of MSM is elsewhere, and 
thus it is another fine tool for promoting health.

  - As for MMS, per the other discussions, I have yet to see any unique benefit 
that it provides. To my knowledge it does not carry or augment CS in any way.

  - Oxygen protocols, such as ozonated water, are excellent in my opinion, but 
do not directly carry or augment CS in any way. They instead provide additional 
healing and killing action, so they are also good to use with CS. (But do not 
ozonate your CS!)

One of the common threads in all of the above is the challenge of getting 
enough CS in contact with the pathogen. Whether that be by pushing the pathogen 
to the CS, or by using DMSO, Neti pots, spray bottles, droppers, drinking, 
swishing, etc. to get the CS to its target. If we get enough CS to the target, 
it will stop all known pathogens, including Ebola.

If anything I have said above is incorrect, please correct me.


On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 8:57 PM, Leila Kostyk <belis...@telusplanet.net> wrote:
I use DMSO, seems to penetrate everything.

On Oct 23, 2014, at 10:57 AM, Sandra George <oha...@juno.com> wrote:

Thanks for this one Ron - what carrier would be good to penetrate the 
encasement of the Biofilm carrying the EIS to do itā€™s work ?     I think this 
is the secret we are missing because the results of using EIS in Africa belies 
so much of the chat !!!!
Attitude is everything !!!
Sandra George
Colloidal Silver Products
Eye Drops & Topical Gel

On 23 Oct 2014, at 11:35, Ron <ron....@gmail.com> wrote:

Is that Biofilm?

Biofilm: An aggregate of microbes with a distinct architecture. A biofilm is like a tiny 
city in which microbial cells, each only a micrometer or two long, form towers that can 
be hundreds of micrometers high. The "streets" between the towers are really 
fluid-filled channels that bring in nutrients, oxygen and other necessities for live 
biofilm communities.

Biofilms form on the surface of catheter lines and contact lenses. They grow on 
pacemakers, heart valve replacements, artificial joints and other surgical 
implants. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) estimate that over 65% of 
nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infections are caused by biofilms.

Bacteria growing in a biofilm are highly resistant to antibiotics, up to 1,000 
times more resistant than the same bacteria not growing in a biofilm. Standard 
antibiotic therapy is often useless and the only recourse may be to remove the 
contaminated implant.

Fungal biofilms also frequently contaminate medical devices. They cause chronic 
vaginal infections and lead to life-threatening systemic infections in people 
with hobbled immune systems.

Biofilms are involved in numerous diseases. For instance, cystic 
fibrosispatients have Pseudomonas infections that often result in antibiotic 
resistant biofilms.
On 10/23/2014 8:00 AM, Sandra George wrote:
Because of my own experience with this Chickenguyna virus I have been sent back 
into my past   for answers - As I understand the research into virus - a virus 
encases itself as protection - this is why EIS cannot get to kill them - oxygen 
therapy - either ozone or hydrogen peroxide - does what ?   Are these 
modalities carriers which can penetrate the virus shields taking the EIS WITH 
THEM TO KILL?   If this is so then using oxygen therapy along with EIS would be 
the death to any virus - please confirm or explain how EIS is successful in 
virus treatment which it has been proven in the case of HIV, Ebola, and more, 
which is not discussed openly or admitted to by those who would not benefit 
It is time for the truth or as near to as is possible
Attitude is everything
Alive Again Colloidal Silver
Eye drops & Topical Gel



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