I've used my Silver-Puppy-generated CS as drops in my eyes (for dry-eye) for 
years. It really helped the issue. 
Now, instead of Muro 128 (an opthalmic 5%saline drop for Fuch's endothelial 
dystrophy, I'm using 50% CS, 50% Manuka honey, with superior results in 
clearing the cloudiness of the fluid-logged corneal cells. Properly-made CS is 
a marvelous support for so many health issues. 

I'm not a doc, just an experienced Lymie lab-rat who's benefited SO much from 
researching and thinking outside the box.

Be well,
On Jul 14, 2015, at 11:25 PM, Berntsen, N wrote:

> I am considering using CS to dab or wipe the edges of my eyelids which are a 
> bit irritated by seasonal allergies. I was thinking I would use a couple 
> cotton balls or pads with CS poured onto them, one for each eye.
> Any suggestions, comments or experience with this? Any known 
> contraindications?
> (My CS is made with steam distilled water and a small amount of concentrated 
> baking soda solution and a generator from csprosystems.com)