Dear List... I get tired of hearing folks repeating what may be nothing
more than 'urban myths' regarding such things as mineral leaching caused
by DW,or drinking water with a meal inhibits your ability to digest
 Below is DR Weils take on DW,but there are no references to studies ,so
as far as I'm concerned it just another opinion if not referenced to
science. QUESTION.; Does anyone know of a site that deals with such
questions and provides the references to the studies that make it more
Published 12/19/2001)
First of all, let me review for the record what distilled water is —
it's water that has been turned into steam so its impurities are left
behind. The steam is then condensed to make pure water. The process of
distillation kills and removes virtually all bacteria, viruses, heavy
metals, and other organic and inorganic contaminants. Once distilled,
the water is as pure as water can reasonably be. 
For reasons I don't understand, any number of myths — some quite
extreme — have grown up over the years about distilled water. A quick
Internet search today will take you to sites that put forth such views
as "distilled water leads to early death." Nonsense. One claim holds
that distillation removes all of water's beneficial minerals. While it's
true that distillation removes minerals as well as various contaminants
from water, we don't know that the human body can readily absorb
minerals from water. We get our minerals from food, not water. By one
manufacturer's estimate, you would have to drink 676 eight-ounce glasses
of tap water in Boston to reach the RDA for calcium. 
Your question as to whether distilled water leaches minerals out of the
body reflects another persistent myth. While pure water helps to remove
minerals from the body that cells have eliminated or not used, it does
not "leach" out minerals that have become part of your body's cell
structure. Neither does distilled water cause your teeth to deteriorate,
a false claim made by a filter manufacturer looking to boost sales. As
far as acidity goes, distilled water is close to a neutral pH and has no
effect on the body's acid/base balance.
I hope I've set your mind at ease. Distilled water not only isn't
dangerous, it's the purest form of water. It's also the kind of water I
Dr. Andrew Weil

larry tankersley; Gainesville,Florida USA

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