    A cause of candida quite often is bakers yeast.  Bread baked at home may
be free of all the harmful ingredients that are added to comercial bread but
if you are using bakers yeast it will not help the candida. I know of many
who have cured candida by giving up using bakers yeast. You can bake yeast
free bread easily by using your own starter dough.  I have done it often
when time permited.   Bob Smith
----- Original Message -----
From: "sol" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2003 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS and Eczema

> Mary,
>   Yes, I do believe the CS helps control and hopefully eventually
> my intestinal candida. The CS I am making at home varies from about 10 to
> ppm. My silverpuppy makes 18 ppm (tested with my PWT) CS and I am playing
> around with a homemade gallon generator with a fish bubbler for stirring,
> and make about 10 ppm CS with that.
>   My dosage varies a lot from day to day, but I try to swish and hold
> the tongue about an ounce in the mornings, and about 4 oz at night after
> toothbrushing and peroxide mouth rinse (25% peroxide, 75 % water). When I
> have overdone the carbs or manage to get a bit of a food borne intestinal
> problem, I often drink much more CS, up to a quart, as it really stops the
> resulting diarrhea in its tracks. I have never read a hard and fast rules
> protocol for using Cs for candida. There might be one, but I haven't read
> it.
>   I also take probiotics, separated from CS by a couple hours. Sometimes I
> also take Caprylex.
>   I'd do better if I could stick to my very low carb diet better. I know
> this because the 2 months or so I was very strict with the diet, was the
> best I have felt in 20 or 30 years. I am a hard case carb addict though,
> even that evidence is not enough to make me able to stay on the diet
> longterm. If I could get my husband on a low carb regimen it might be
> on me. As it is I bake virtually all the bread he eats. So I am constantly
> exposed to something I find it nearly impossible to resist....I have to
> for him as he is allergic to some ingredients in all commercial bread
> products....he can get away with an occasional hot dog bun, but that's it.
> He eats about a loaf a day of my homemade......
>   CS does kill candida, I firmly believe, but you can't kill a pathogen
> feed it at the same time, and expect the best results.
> paula
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> > I wonder if you use CS to treat the candida. If so, what dos and
> > strength?
> >
> > Mary
> --
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