( Illonka article quote continued... )

Who's Who

Rife used an instrument built from a SQID Heath Kit It had vacuum tube
electronics which were not accurate. Therefore, whatever the frequencies
were, they had little, if anything, to do with the healing. Through later
research, it has been found that the harmonics of the frequency band is what
made it work. Rife merely substantiated what Lakhovsky knew in 1925. By his
original material ' Rife didn't know the difference between a frequency and
a pulse repetition rate. It was by chance that the vacuum tube oscillation
made his generator successful. He was not aware of matching the body's
impedance and its importance. In order to get energy into the body, it is
necessary to break through the electric field some call the eddy current,
otherwise the energy never enters the body.

In 1977, a researcher from San Diego, Ca. met an associate of Rife to whom
Rife had given a Frequency Generator for his personal use. The researcher
had a relative with breast cancer. She contacted Rife's friend who loaned
the generator to her. After complete success, she asked Ed Skilling, a
pioneer in the field of electromagnetic engineering to duplicate the old

Ed, using an oscilloscope, converted the numbers on the dial settings to
actual audio frequencies. We must assume that the numbers on the dial
settings were correct, as its use has been successful. However, a problem
developed from the frequencies. Dr. Glen Rein, from Stanford Medical
University, tested the five frequencies invitro and found the two higher
frequencies made some tumors grow faster. Ed went back to the original
machine and found that Rife's friend had taken the liberty of putting two
additional frequencies on the machine.

Bob Beck and Ed Skilling created schematics for the copy generator and gave
them to researchers thinking the technology given to many would not be

Now the plot thickens as several people from California took the schematics
with the five frequencies and started manufacturing in their garage. When Ed
and Bob warned them of the two higher frequencies being deleterious, they
said the 'spirits" told them they were okay to use. They ignored all warning
and continued to manufacture and sell. Thus, the QLF was bom. The only
difference between the killing/Beck schematics and the QLF was a crystal
control. Because the frequencies are measured in the hundredths, there could
be a drift of minus 5 or 10 hertz, not creating any noticeable difference
with the frequencies. But a mistake was made in not using a symmetrical
output. It is imperative to have a symmetrical square wave signal that
cancels out to zero, creating a scalar field. The positive has to go to a
certain amplitude and the negative to the same amplitude, with a zero point
being the crossover point If not done correctly, it won't be a symmetrical
wave form and it will not work.


In the Fall of 1987, Los Angeles, CA, a group of medical people and
scientists met to discuss the use of electronics to treat AIDS. A few
doctors, headed by Robert Strecker, M.D., believed the Rife Frequency
Generator might be helpful in the AIDS treatment . At that meeting, Ed
Skilling volunteered to create a third generation device with improvements
and solid state dependability to simple setting the three frequencies.

This was based on the second generation unit which had a vernier dial and
digital frequency counter to set precise frequencies as utilized in the
original specifications. Before the third generation was released, Barry
Lyons wrote his book on Rife, The Cancer Cure That Worked, The reason he
wrote the book was to sell a limited partnership, which was not a registered
security, to potential investors. His business plan was to replicate Rife's
work and lease the machines to doctors at $1000 per month. He tried to raise
several million dollars. When Skilling's schematics came out free, and he
built a few generators for researchers at less than $1000, Lyons scheme came
to an abrupt halt. To say the least, Skilling and Beck became Lyons' enemy,
and these hard feelings continue to this day.

The third generation device had three stable solid state integrated circuit
oscillators in which the frequency changes were controlled by a five
position rotary switch. Skilling used the C, D, and E position as the same
frequency. If another frequency was found in the future, it could be added.
The critical electron tube output stage was the same as in the researchers
second generation Rife unit. As previously stated, it was discovered years
ago that the output impedance of the electron tube provides an excellent
match to the human body and allows maximum transfer of energy. A solid state
output amplifier would not work the same, at least in that configuration.
The third research Frequency Generator used the same type circuit as the
second generation device, except for the tube number; however, this
instrument did not prove as effective as former generations, until Skilling
pulsed the signal. At that time, the fourth generation was ready for
testing. The pulsed signal was found to be very important in solid state
electronics because of body accommodation. If a continuous square wave
signal is put into the body, after 20 or 30 minutes, the body acclimates and
there is no longer any beneficial effect. However, if the signal is pulsed,
one second on and a half second off, it gives time for the body chemistry to

Meanwhile, Rife's tool and dye man, John Crane, decided he would jump in on
the bandwagon along with Bud Curtis. They took an off the shelf BK3011
Frequency Generator, stuck a sticker that said 'Rife-Crane Frequency
Generator', modified it so that pads could be added, and began selling the
Crane Curtis Rife Generator. Crane, having no background in electronics,
simply did what Rife did, but wasn't as lucky. His off -the shelf frequency
generator, did not match the body impedance. They sold it 'as is'. The
original unit used a 6v6 octal base. The researchers unit used a 6AQ5, which
is a miniature 7 pin version with similar specifications.

The Rife Crane off -the- shelf generator, BK3011, was not pulsed which
contributed to its ineffectiveness. It was a low voltage, high current
device, so the impedance was wrong. It has about a 20 volt peak-to-peak
voltage, when 50 volts peak-to-peak is required.

Crane used the Model BK3011 off-the-shelf frequency generator as well as one
from Global Specialties. At this point, December 1987, it is ironic that the
medical doctors attending the Los Angeles meeting to explore the means of
treating AIDS electronically, have not responded when informed that a Rife
Frequency Generator was available for research and testing.

It is interesting to note that all applications of the output energy have
been delivered by means of two 4 x 8 inch rectangular stainless steel
plates. The subject placed his/her bare feet on the plates and each
frequency is applied for five minutes. This process constituted a full
treatment, once a day. In every case, the subject reports a feeling of "well
being", and no deleterious reports were ever made. Studies show that a
pulsed electromagnetic field creates oxygenation, increased blood flow and
circulation, as well as muscle movement.

New Generation

The Super Pro REM Generator, fourth generation, was such a success that
further research seemed unnecessary. However, the research conducted by ELF
Labs and its scientists, headed by Ed Skilling, found better ways to
communicate with the body in assisting it to heal itself. They found the
harsh energy from high voltage was shocking the cells into releasing the
proteins causing imbalance; and by using sound tonal energy, a level of cell
communication is reached where information is transferred to the cell at a
subtle energy level, reestablishing balance. Healing takes place smoothly
and quickly. This unit does not touch the body with pads. It is like a
miniature radio station, operating at very low power levels. It produces
energy within the body while feeding the field harmonic content in the high
frequency range through a series of tonal frequencies.

Basically, ELF Labs took the work of - Lakhovsky and Rife and combined the
best of each researchers work, i.e. taking a short wave frequency and
modulating it with audible sounds to create the Sound Probe.

It seems the high voltage used by Lakhovsky and Rife in their instruments,
was not necessary. The Inverse Square Rule Law of radio frequency energy is
that the farther the distance from the source, the less energy received. For
example, radio stations putting out 50,000 watts in the city, lose energy so
by the time it reaches a home antennae, reception is in micro volts.
Therefore, there is no reason to use high voltage and power to get signals
to a usable point, since the originating point is against the body. ELF LAB
Scientists found this principle true by lowering the power level until the
latest generation operates at five milliwatts. (A milliwatts is one
thousandths of a watt.) Rife lowered his power levels from 500 to 50 watts,
but didn't know the real secret was to get even lower maintaining the
harmonic content.

His square wave produced high, odd harmonics, but a spike, pulse, and soft
tooth wave all have a tendency to produce high harmonic content. The voltage
level was boosted but the harmonics lost. The circuit must be designed to
have very little capacitance, as capacitance is lost for high frequencies.
The wave form developed for the Sound Probe creates a signal into hundreds
of hertz, on into the mega hertz range, and possibly into the fight wave
frequencies. Utilizing these harmonics, the Sound Probe balances the field
and relaxes the body allowing the body's healing mechanism to operate at
peak performance.

In theory, the research of Lakovsky, Abrahms, Edwards and Rife were all used
to develop this generation technology. George Lakhovsky theorized that each
human cell operated like a tiny battery and when fully charged, each cell is
able to experience cell balance. Rife believed that germs, responsible for
creating disease within the body, had a frequency and were present in
several stages of development (i.e. viral, bacterial, and fungal called
pleomorphism). He believed that germs have their specific frequency and that
these frequencies disrupt the cells natural oscillation. When this occurs,
the cell is put in an 'out of balance' condition. He found that when he
subjected germs to the correct short wave frequencies - the germs
disintegrated. Dr. Abrahms, M.D., theorized that a disease condition puts
out a radio - present, asserting its influence on every cell and molecule.

Electromagnetic energy has a special connection with the endocrine glands.
Its flow is automatically responsive to the psychological state of the
individual, and acts as a bridging influence, linking the psyche to the
body, inter-linking with the subjective life of the individual. Problems in
metabolism appear to be influenced by the mechanical and chemical
environment but even more from the subjective interaction of electromagnetic

The function of the blood stream is to provide nourishment to the tissue
cells and to remove waste products from these cells. However, there is no
physical contact between the blood and most of the cells of the body.

The real cellular environment is by lymph and tissue fluids. Lymph is formed
from fluid, electrolytes, and protein that filters through the arterial ends
of an enormous number of capillaries. The lymph, carrying tissue waste,
reenters the capillaries at their venous ends by virtue of difference in
blood pressure, somatic pressure and intercellular pressure. Lymph vessels
and nodes make a lesser known system which carries fluid back to the venous

The lymph nodes are located throughout the body as connectors of sort, where
tissue draining lymph vessels join the lymph trunks leading back to re enter
the venous system via the sub-clavian vein. It is in these nodes that
lymphocytes are made. The lymphocyte has the ability to pass through the
vessels and cell walls and to engulf foreign material and organisms which
invade the body. The importance of a healthy lymph system is vital to
wellness as it functions in lymphocyte formation and in the moving of waste
and protein debris out of the body....


Best Regards,


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