The WHO work calls for the actual herbal remedy, and there are no patents involved, a fact that made that article quite interesting to me. The wormwood -- artemesia -- is grown in China, Vietnam, and recently India. There is a shortage of it. The cost is higher than the existing pharmaceutical remedies but is expected to go down. Interestingly, the efficacy of the wormwood has been controversial for years, but recent tests show it is very effective.

Score one for herbalists.


On Friday, May 14, 2004, at 16:23 Asia/Tokyo, Christine Carleton wrote:

It's in the patent - if they change a molecule, they can put a patent
on it.  If not, it's God's patent and available to the public.

Hulda Clarke gave everyone the heads up on this - it did not have to be a 'cocktail' - smells like a pharmaceutical concoction to me. WHO you say?

What's the matter with the original time tested real goods like Hulda's or
Dr. Christopher's that we could all get at the local health food store?
Some EO's are anti parasitic too - like Black Roman Chamomile, Clove,
Mountain Savory, Oregano, Spikenard etc.  Make sure they are GRAS -
Generally Recognized As Safe for human consumption by the FDA.

Parasites - and their kids and their grandparents live on moon cycles -
birth near the time of the full moon -  sometimes that's why folks get
squiglish and jittery around that time... Especially little kids - the next crop is birthing. Best to start 5 days before Full Moon, and continue for
21 - then a week off, and start again for 3 months to get all the
generations as they breed.  Some health shops forget to tell you this -
it's important to know to optimize the investment in a parasite cleanse.


From: "Jonathan B. Britten" <>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 14:59:11 +0900
Subject: CS>Clarke, Wormwood, and Malaria

Interesting report in yesterday's newspaper:  the WHO is approving a
kind of Chinese wormwood for worldwide treatment of malaria.   The
wormwood has proven more effective than any other drug at eliminating
the parasites in the blood.   It will be given in a "cocktail"  to
discourage resistance developing.

I note that Hulda Clarke has advocated wormwood and "black green walnut
hulls"  as a general anti-parasite formula for patients. I have some
reservations about her work -- the worst thing is the ridiculous title,
for heaven's sake --  but there is much useful information in her
books, and I have yet to read any compelling refutation of her claims.

The recent WHO decision suggests that if wormwood works well on the
parasites involved in malaria,  it may work on other afflictions as
well.  Food for thought.


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