It is available again w/o scrip, at least on the net.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan B. Britten [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2004 12:43 AM
Subject: Re: CS>TV show on silver

I was re-reading Rob Faigin's excellent book "Natural Hormonal Enhancement"
yesterday, and noted his claim that shortly after tryptophan was taken off
the market -- because of one toxic batch from Japan -- the product was made
into a prescription-only drug for insomnia and tension. 

I had not known about the prescription scam. It was evidently done very,
very quietly. The result is that a safe, inexpensive nutraceutical is now a
safe, expensive prescription drug. 

Very convenient indeed. It is not hard to imagine something similar
happening with CS. 


On Saturday, Jun 12, 2004, at 10:51 Asia/Tokyo, Tom wrote:

I saw this show and of course they attacked CS, as well I also did some
investigating and found that Dr. Bruce Bouts the so called expert, is one of
Stephen Barret's henchmen, as well I couldn't find much on his credentials
as well but that doesn't matter he is still an unreliable source of
information. Rosemary Jacobs used her famous statement, I had cancer at 42
and silver didn't help me. Duhh she wasn't taking silver then either.

When it comes to bashing CS I really believe they are shooting themselves in
the foot, the famous saying. "Me thinks thou protests too much" comes to
mind. People really aren't happy with conventional medicine and looking for
alternatives, while they may have scared a few people "alot" of people
aren't as gullible as they think and are going to look into it, as they know
when conventional medicine tries to quelch something it usually means it
works and they are trying to discredit it. I have talked to someone in work
who knows I use it, and he saw that show, he made a joking comment about me
turning blue, but I was also able to show him it does work a few times on
myself (though he was still skeptical) he is more convinced it works now
after seeing the idiots at ABC try to discredit it.

Bravo losers at ABC you have done your job well.

----- Original Message -----
From: "C. Hatzfeld" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 7:15 PM
Subject: CS>TV show on silver

> Just saw an ad for tomorrow's Good Morning America (ABC) and they'll be
> doing a piece on silver supplements and that they can turn your skin blue.
> Cindy Hatzfeld
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