Denise wrote:
> And I apologize for this being way off topic, I would move it over there
> except I don't think I'm on the CS OT list as I haven't been getting the
> mail (so Mike if you're reading this could you send me a link to
> resubscribe to that).

Hi Denise, everyone,

Everybody who can post to *this* list is also already signed up to post 
to the Off Topic list. That's automatic. You just have to address your 
message to the Off Topic list address listed in the footer of every 
message from the Silver List.

The reason you've not gotten any mail from the OT list is probably 
because it's been pretty quiet over there. There were 3 posts or so 
yesterday, so you might just have missed them in the noise.

If you really are not subscribed to the e-mail version of the OT list 
and want to be, the instructions are found on the Silver List web site 

You just have to click on the Off Topic List link and follow the 
instructions there.

Next, you can keep tabs on the Off Topic list by visiting the archives 
at eScribe at the URL included in the footer below. Of course, as I 
mentioned previously, both of our archives are down at the moment and 
waiting for Scott, the owner, to replace and restore the hard disk that 
crashed. So, in another day or two things should be back to normal.

Lastly, as you all know a certain amount of OT stuff happens here 
regardless. I'm not going to crunch you over the head for it, so long 
as everyone takes care not to let the volume of get out of control. 
Self restraint is the only governor that truly works.

Thank you everyone. You make the list a pleasure to administer, and 
you're the reason this is a good place to come for life-saving and 
health-improving information. 

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour <>