CS>Digest V2004 #582 testosterone, shiney domes & balanceHi Christine!


Where I'm staying for the summer, the hot springs have the reputation of 
assisting hair growth.  Perhaps it is the .1 PPM Silver in the water.  Perhaps 
it is the magnesium, potassium, and calcium, or the minute amounts of Radon and 

Perhaps the starry-skied  environment is conducive to...  the excercise of both 
tranquility AND virility ( there's a balance for you! ).

What all these things have in common?  Improved efficiency of the metabolic 
processes of the human organism.

My best regards,


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Christine Carleton 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 7:17 PM
  Subject: CS>

  'About balding: From a normal balding male. Testosterone causes balding and 
enables virility. You choose. It is not about colloidal silver.....'

  Perhaps... perhaps not.  From a normal female ... Can't say I've ever 
experienced the reputed virility difference ... I think what's more important 
is between the ears than a shiney dome.  If one understands the impact of 
hormones and minerals etc. BALANCE is a key.  

  Superior health is all pleasures of life.  CS and CG assist what's 
functioning between the ears thus the enjoyments of virility.  mmmm mmm...  Ego 
is good, education may be better.

  Consider what women are like when their hormones are out of balance. Jokes 
are made about it. I think it's similar but different for men - perspectives 
change.  Often the owner of the body may not see it, but some of us can.  
Normal wellness/illness in North America is not necessarily 'normal' elsewhere. 
 Many countries have far superior health to North Americans.  

  Hormones including testosterone are regulated by pregnenolone - 70+ year old 
research.  How come your doctor does not know it? Why are people sicker and 
dying younger?  What evidence is there 'double blind science' is producing 
improving health for the nation?  Male pattern baldness?? It's a good local 
pharma/science sell job but not universal.  Could it be an indication of 
lowered wellness? How come people grow their hair back sometimes even to their 
original colour?  Healing is a balanced paradox - it's an inside job.  The 
Hunza culture who generally have full heads of hair believe exercising daily 
'virility' is good health and are active past 100.  
  Now that's inspiring to move beyond 'normal'! 

  Pregnenolone is the 'grandmother' that produces hormones and creates balance 
for all 'boys and girls'.  Research of Pregnenolone began in the 1930¹s and 
human studies in the 1940¹s. It was tested for its effect on fatigue and auto 
immune disorders and was found to be effective and safe. In 1949 Merck¹s new 
pharmaceutical, cortisone was announced as a miracle cure for rheumatoid 
arthritis. This synthetic hormone could be patented and therefore became a 
lucrative source of money and some side effects. 

  Pregnenolone was a natural substance and had no known side effects.  It could 
not be patented and was therefore essentially forgotten by the medical and 
pharma professions.  

  Our body manufactures pregnenolone from cholesterol.  It has the special 
ability to increase the levels of steroid hormones which are deficient or 
reduce and levels of excess circulating hormones.  Pregnenolone is synthesized 
inside the mitochondria was found to be the basic precursor for the production 
of ALL the human steroid hormones, including DHEA, Progesterone, Estrogen, 
Testosterone, Cortisone, Cortisol and Aldosterone.  Pregnenolone lets the body 
decide how much of the other hormones to manufacture. 

  Seems even with higher education we are getting dumber in Canada.  Since the 
late 1990's the government no longer allows 'regular folks' to avail themselves 
of such hormonal substances over the counter. Lay citizens are considered 
unable to adequately evaluate the effects of hormonal irregularities in their 
own bodies.  Hormone supplements are the exclusive licensed legal territory of 

  A funny coincidence?  After Health Canada legally 'removed' many assorted 
'creams' (www.johnleemd.com) the ubiquitous balance and humour of the universe 
had hormone replacement therapies (HRT) 'blow up' in their face.  Oppsie - 
excess cancer, heart attacks, osteo etc...  General warnings about HRT / 
Premarin were issued world wide 
(http://www.mercola.com/2002/jul/13/estrogen.htm and JAMA July 17, 

  Pregnenolone is considered a food supplement.  Health Canada and the FDA 
currently cannot not regulate it the way it does progesterone.  Growth is 
optional.  Consider becoming aware of some folks who see the 'big picture' of 
CODEX and who are trying to do something about 'illusions and phoney studies' 
like the International Alliance of Dietary Supplement Trade Associations 
"IAHF.COM" <j...@iahf.com> and the Dr. Rath Foundation, Responsibility for 
Health, Peace & Social Justice. 

  Imbalance is imbalance regardless of it being in men, women, animals or 
  Imbalance is a degree of sickness not wellness.  
  Imbalance is caused by excess in another area.  
  Imbalance is evidenced by declining fertility rates in humans and wild 
  Remember when most of us had thick hair and few had 'skinny, limp' hair.
  Today, many young girls often have 'poopy' hair and use colours to enhance it.
  Chloride... Fluoride... Thyroid... Vaccinations... Connect the dots...  Most 
importantly - 


  If we don't 'GET IT', our children may NOT have children

  Boy, I didn't know that passion was in me.  Thanks for reading if you got 
this far.


  PS.  I do NOT sell Pregnenolone.


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