Wayne Fugitt wrote:

> Evening Mike,
> Thanks for all the technical exposure and analysis of frequency measurement.
> I can see no reason why the same problems do not exist with the frequency
> measurement that Hulda Clark suggests in some of her books.
> While it would be nice to be able to tell good foods from bad ones,  and
> determine the state of disease with one meter ( simple or complex ) ......
> I was turned off by this theory in Hulda's book.
> I simply did not believe it to be possible.
> My technical knowledge does not compare with yours.  I do have some
> practical experience to go along with the small amount of knowledge that I
> have.  I simply had to  refuse to believe  the Hulda Frequency theory.

Apparently it does work though, especially for those who are good at dowsing.
The field is radionics if I remember right, and these frequencies have nothing
to do with the electromagnetic spectrum, and thus cannot be measured with
instruments that measure the electromagnetic spectrum.  It is my understanding
that these frequencies are related to other dimensions, more to the soul or
spirit and it's interface to the body.  That is would be measuring the lifeforce
frequency. These are I believe more related to the aura, which cannot be seen or
measured by normal instruments either.  Thus we are talking about the
"frequency" of the aura. Some can see this directly, as different colors.

In the case of the Clark device, it cannot work by standard electrical
engineering theory.  But since the body is part of the circuit, all bets are
off. That is since the body is part of the curcuit, then changes can be made in
the body from the subconcious that will affect the meter.  Once again we are
back to intent.  I believe that this is really nothing more than another method
of muscle testing.  The subconcious does the frequency check of the lifeforce,
and then causes a gavanic response on the meter.

> Could these people possibly be measuring something else and calling it
> frequency?

Perhaps, or maybe it is frequency, just not showing up in the electromagnetic
spectrum.  After all sound is also frequency that does not show up in the
electromagnetic spectrum


> Maybe they are measuring the total noise level from a live food and a dead
> food.   Likewise, a live body and a dead one,  or a sick person compared to
> a healthy person?
> I hate to think these people are intentionally lying to us.
> Or
> do they carry a card like the politicians that says,  "I lie for Money" ?
> Wayne
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