
Reading is very important, however historically other cultures that did not
read had dowsing abilities. Hmmm... I suspect petrol based additives
(chemicals, sweeteners and hydrogenated fats- canola etc) in fast foods coat
the receptor sites in the brain, plus enthusiastic vaccination programs slow
the brain down as evidenced by massively increasing Alzheimer's, ME, CFS,
etc. unlike has ever been seen in the world. What does one expect when they
mix animal cellular structures (polio shot) with people - smart animals or
dumb people?  Dah!  Thermisol doesn't help.  The time lines correlate.

Personally, I give great weight to Terry's suggestion that larger amounts of
CS to help deal with the extent of internal pollution.  That's where dowsing
is helpful for those that choose to use it.  One can moderate their volume
or strength to what their body is able to handle on a daily basis without
risking overload - it allows one to prescribe for one's self = empowerment.

Be respectful when the body says NO!  Sometimes 'body' need a 'day of rest -
and an opportunity for the 'owner' to recognize wellness levels within.
There are many ancient texts that suggest a day of rest per week - could
that be supplements/CS too?  Dowsing will tell you what's right for you.
Unless critical conditions exist, 'body' may want the owner/mind to become
more aware of changes. Remember, we're not using synthetic pharma products
thus do not have to use the standardized protocols our society has been
'blind-sided' and 'conditioned' to do. Or 2x a day may be helpful sometimes.

Pay attention within. 'Body' likes to be heard. Dowsing may more effective
than pseudo science - 'They?' say this is the 'correct amount'.  Hooey.
Your body knows what's right for you.  Find a way to listen to it.  Dowsing
is an ancient tool.  Or as Ode quoted "Spooky action at a distance - Albert
Einstein".  Einstein never said the action was invalid - maybe most could
not comprehend given their benchmark of conditioning and understanding.

Specific EO's dissolve petrochemicals off receptor sites, however, if one
does not put value in herbs over quick foods there is no way they will even
consider the value of concentration of herbs. Oh well...We have the CS list.


> From: Wayne Fugitt <cwfug...@earthlink.net>

> Morning Christine,
> You boiled down lots of wisdom in those few lines.
> At 12:40 AM 8/19/2004, you wrote:
>> Harold,
>> Strange more people don't consider they too can do it.  I think it's an
>> innate ability within each and every one of us.  If we think we can, we can.
>> Eskimo stories speak of it.  Aboriginals talk about it.  Other cultures too.
>> What's happened in North America that we've forgotten our potential?
>> Christine
> I think you were far too nice to the people that "can't do
> anything".     A very large percent of Americans today are lazy of body and
> lazy of mind.
> We know many can't read effectively.   Many that can read are too lazy
> to practice it.
> Only a few have forgivable learning difficulties.
> I have one computer customer that I have been trying to teach a few
> basics for years.  I am surprised my patience have lasted so long.
> A short time ago, he looked me straight in the eye and said,  "I can't
> read anything and understand it".
> Darn, if he had told me that a number of years ago, I would have
> handled him a bit different and used different methods to teach him the
> things he needed to know.
> Understand this was a high class, highly successful salesman.  What
> would he have accomplished if he had possessed reading skills?
> As you said, so many people are afraid to reach out for goals that are
> out of reach.
> Seems the sick people I know are also the poor or lazy readers.
I agree here.  The rule of thumb that often applies is 'if they knew better,
they would do better'.  Most people will not rumble around in 'garbage' if
they have another means at their access.  Obviously 'crazies' may, but
that's different than illiteracy.
> Wayne

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