Raw garlic is quite good for colds.

Before CS when I felt a cold coming on I could often stop it by
chopping up a large garlic clove and mixing it in a quarter to half cup
of water and chugging it down.  Well, you get garlic breath,  but it
seems to work pretty well.  It does kill viruses...

If you are by yourself, you can take as much as your system can


CS>Is it really this quiet?

From: oldgl...@bigcountry.net (view other messages by this author) 
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 21:04:06 


Hi Sol,

Why not try some Echinacea, Golden Seal, ginger and burdock root from
health food store?  Works a miracle to stop a cold in it's tracks if
feel one coming on and if you already have a cold, it will clear it out
just a few days.  Never fails for me and it saved my life once when I
two colds back to back, and then a third one coming on.  I could not
lived over the third one.

Jean Baugh


> Say it isn't so!
> Nobody wants this cold, I'm well into the 3rd week of it, beginning
> feel like I was born with it.
> sol

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