The key is as JBB said, *competent* medical diagnosis. I don't think that is available to me. Once in pre-CS years I went to the doctor with so much fluid in one lung that it took quite some time for every breath to bubble out, very weird feeling, btw, but anyway he said I just had bronchitis and sent me home with a Z-pack. Isn't that much fluid in a lung pneumonia? Anyway, I don't have anything like that, and no signs of any secondary infections, no fever. Did your husband or his sister have fevers? Any symptoms at all? It can be very difficult to tell what is going on by trying to judge from typical symptoms. When my son was in grade school the only time he ever had a positive throat culture for strep, he had no sore throat, no redness in the throat, no symptoms...........I had just had him cultured because of some reason I no longer remember. Yet, I still get the "you don't need a throat culture, your throat isn't red." sol

C. Hatzfeld wrote:


One note of caution:  last year my husband was ill, thought it was a cold,
went on for weeks, turned out it was bronchitis, although there was NO cough
involved.  Recently, his sister was in the hospital with chest pains, they
couldn't figure out what was wrong with her.  A few days after they sent her
home they figured out she had pneumonia.  It is worthwhile to go to the
doctor to get correct diagnosis.

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