My friend's late wife used Cysplatin, which is platinum based, I understand. My friend is English and he knew this drug was prescribed in his country. Japanese medical doctors were willing to try it, to their credit, though they don't usually use it. It was not helpful in late-stage metastasized stomach cancer. It is an expensive drug. I note that someone on this list observed that silver and platinum are both noble metals close to one another on the periodic table of the elements.

On Tuesday, Mar 22, 2005, at 07:05 Asia/Tokyo, Marshall Dudley wrote:

If you do a google you will find that some of the newer chemotherapies use platimum based drugs for the chemo.  This seems to support what I have heard about platimum colloids being a good cancer treatment.  There is one testimonial at about using a platimum colloid for liver cancer. I have heard of other successes as well with platimum and cancers of the bladder, brain and bone, but have no first hand experiences with it.  Unfortunately I don't think there is an easy method to make platimum colloids like there is for silver. If I can find anything else out about it I will post back again.

As always, I am not a doctor, but simply a seeker trying to help.


Corgiville wrote:

Hello. I am new to the silver-list. I was new to c s and was drinking it this last year.  I found out I  had bladder cancer in December. I have had surgery and had BCG treatments and am now in  maintance with the BCG, I have the generator to make the c s  and a friend that taught me how to use it. But when I found out I had bladder cancer I got scared of drinking the C S.  I was afraid if there was some deposit  of c s that would end up in my bladder or if the c s could do any damage and be more of a hinderance than a prevention to the bladder cancer. I am eating raw vegetables most of the meals.   No sugar.   No caffine. Drink water, green tea, lemon water and eat almonds for the alkaline effect. I do eat out once a week maybe twice and that is not good.  Take a variety of vitamins that I understand is suspose to be helpful in preventing cancer. I am hoping there is someone that knows about bladder cancer and drinking c s. I really appreciate all your help. Thank you,Judy