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-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Monett [mailto:txu-4...@myamail.com]
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 11:30 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS> New info on making and using cs. Was RE ???? I forgot

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the very nice welcome. I think I'm close to finding ways to
control the mold toxins, and I'm finally starting to get my mind back.
For example, I was able to solve a problem that has been plaguing
circuit designers for three or four decades. This is a bit OT, but it
relates to analyzing crystal oscillators, which are very widely used
everywhere. Until now, it has been impossible to analyze these in SPICE,
which is a circuit analysis program. It takes too long, so it was not
possible to design the circuit properly. I found a solution to the
problem that speeds the analysis by 4,000 to 8,000 times. If there are
any electronics folks here, they might be interested in reading the
solution at http://tinyurl.com/qpcoz

So the good news is some of the damage caused by the mold toxins seems
to be temporary. There are definitely physical problems that remain, but
the incredible headaches seem to go with no lasting effect.

More good news - I have done lots of new circuit designs and new
experiments. I'm starting to put the designs on my web site - here's a
SPICE design of an automatic shutoff circuit for a cs generator:


In building it, I discovered a reason why this technique won't work, and
then a very good technique to monitor the ion concentration in cs as the
brew progresses. I hope to post this information on the site soon, along
with a design for a polarity reversal circuit, and the reson why this
technique doesn't work either. 

I also found a new way to measure the amount of silver we ingest, and
have develpoed some new information on how the body utilizes it. I also
am working on a new method of generating high ion concentration that
prevents the ions from combining in the Nernst Diffusion layer and
producing AgOH. 

This effectively stops the process and limits the ion concentration to
around 22uS. However, Frank has posted the test results of a new cs
product that seems to reach a concentration of 30uS, so it appears
possible to do, and the results will be stable.

So there's lots to talk about, and lots of very good news about cs and
how we use it. It would be nice if the archives were available so we
could carry on discussions and be able to refer to previous posts, but I
understand MikeD. is working on it and hopefully will have something

Best Regards,

Mike Monett.


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