BRAVO Mike !  My sentiments exactly...which is why in the first place I said we 
should be achieving Super Intelligence on an individual level....we are like 
Andrew mentioned too Organic Robots.  I still find myself pondering on 
Richard's last post however, I also find myself wondering does Richard know 
that perhaps these areas of so called ' AGI Consciousness' already exist in our 
consciousness we are just not able to access them yet ?  That includes his 
'underground world'.  
Candice> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: 
[singularity] How to Stop Fantasying About Future AGI's> Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 
11:46:24 +0100> > Every speculation on this board about the nature of future 
AGI's has been > pure fantasy. Even those which try to dress themselves up in 
some semblance > of scientific reasoning. All this speculation, for example, 
about the > friendliness and emotions of future AGI's has been non-sense - and 
often > from surprisingly intelligent people.> > Why? Because until we have a 
machine that even begins to qualify as an AGI - > that has the LEAST higher 
adaptivity - until IOW AGI's EXIST- we can't begin > seriously to predict how 
they will evolve, let alone whether they will "take > off." And until we've 
seen a machine that actually has functioning emotions > and what purpose they 
serve, ditto we can't predict their future emotions.> > So how can you cure 
yourself if you have this apparently incorrigible need > to produce speculative 
fantasies with no scientific basis in reality > whatsoever?> > I suggest : 
first speculate about the following:> > what will be the next stage of HUMAN 
evolution? What will be the next > significant advance in the form of the human 
species - as significant, say, > as the advance from apes, or - ok - some 
earlier form like Neanderthals?> > Hey, if you are prepared to speculate about 
fabulous future AGI's, > predicting that relatively small evolutionary advance 
shouldn't be too hard. > But I suggest that if you do think about future human 
evolution your mind > will start clamming up. Why? Because you will have a 
sense of physical/ > evolutionary constraints (unlike AGI where people seem to 
have zero sense of > technological constraints), - an implicit recognition that 
any future human > form will have to evolve from the present form - and to make 
predictions, > you will have to explain how. And you will know that anything 
you say may > only serve to make an ass of yourself. So any prediction you make 
will have > to have SOME basis in reality and not just in science fiction. The 
same > should be true here.> > > > > > -----> This list is sponsored by AGIRI:> To unsubscribe or change your options, please go 
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