LOL !  You make me laugh a good way that is.....'' I have a bad 
feeling about this discussion, really I do.''
If it's a discussion why would you have a bad feeling about it ?  The point at 
hand is discussion, not bad feelings.  I am joking now though as I am purposely 
using your quote out of context.
Right so I will use one of your so called expressions then...'If you will grant 
me an open mind then when reading the following'.
Regarding your post where you explain the benefits of AGI's for future 
mankind...what I found so mindblowingly similar was that there are loads and 
loads and loads of theories out there that already support the very things you 
are trying to achieve.  For discussion let's just talk about the underworld one 
shall we ?  
The theory is based on 'The Hollow Earth' theory, bear in mind though, just as 
you speak of your AGI theory this is but another one....''The British 
astronomer Edmund Halley, of comet fame, proposed that the earth might consist 
of several concentric spheres placed inside one another in the manner of a 
Chinese box puzzle. The two inner shells had diameters comparable to Mars and 
Venus, while the solid inner core was as big as the planet Mercury. More 
startling was Halley's proposal that each of these inner spheres might support 
life. They were supposed to be bathed in perpetual light created by a luminous 
This paticular theory goes a lot, lot further then Hollow Earth 
if you are interested to know more, it's just another thought idea !
See Richard, not a bad discussion after all !
> Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 12:41:19 -0400> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
>> Subject: Re: [singularity] How to Stop Fantasying 
> About Future AGI's> > candice schuster wrote:> > BRAVO Mike ! My sentiments 
> exactly...which is why in the first place I > > said we should be achieving 
> Super Intelligence on an individual > > level....we are like Andrew mentioned 
> too Organic Robots. I still find > > myself pondering on Richard's last post 
> however, I also find myself > > wondering does Richard know that perhaps 
> these areas of so called ' AGI > > Consciousness' already exist in our 
> consciousness we are just not able > > to access them yet ? That includes his 
> 'underground world'. > > Richard is, in fact, curious about what you are 
> talking about: you are > saying that the "underground world" exists already?> 
> > I have a bad feeling about this discussion, really I do.> > > > Richard 
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