On 17/02/2008, John Ku <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can you clarify this? What do you mean by "any computation can be
> mapped onto any physical system"? I take it to be uncontroversial that
> computations are multiply realizable or can be implemented by
> different physical substrates but I don't see how that's anywhere near
> enough to establish the conclusions you want.

If computation is multiply realizable, it could be seen as being
implemented by an endless variety of physical systems, with the right
mapping or interpretation, since anything at all could be arbitrarily
chosen to represent a tape, a one, a zero, or whatever. This is rather
like saying that a random computer screen contains any given English
sentence if you have a lookup table telling you whether a pixel should
be mapped to black or white: trivially true, but useless. You can't
make sense of the computation without the mapping function, and in
order to obtain that you need to implement the computation in a
conventional manner. But what if the computation in question is that
for a self-aware entity interacting with a virtual environment? It
doesn't seem reasonable to suppose that the entity only acquires
consciousness when someone prints out, or reads and understands the
mapping function. Rather, if consciousness supervenes on physical
activity, it should be enough that the physical activity simply

Stathis Papaioannou

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