> On 31 Dec 2021, at 22:05, Schneider, Thomas (NIH/NCI) [E] via Skim-app-users 
> <skim-app-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Christiaan:
>>> (Also "Automatically Resize" is difficult to work with - one has to
>>> click on it and then THE WINDOW GOES AWAY SO I DO NOT KNOW IT WAS SET!
>>> I have to click on PDF again to see whether I did set it or not.
>>> Please do not make it go away when it is being set.
>> I don't know what you mean. Which window goes away? Are you
>> talking about the window for the preferences? That is not the one
>> for the current document(s), not is the *initial* options for new
>> documents. And if you want to see what it is set to, just call the
>> window. It is in a separate window because all of it takes far too
>> much space (given also that there are two sets of options, as willow
>> separate settings for full screen). This is also why before redid
>> not have it, and had it set using the "Use current view settings
>> as default".
> It's not the preferences window.
> In the top bar move to 'PDF'.  Click there.  There is a dropdown menu.
> One of the items is 'Automatically Resize'.  Move the mouse to that
> item and it turns from black on grey to white on blue.  Click.  The
> dropdown is gone.  Did I set it or not???  Click on PDF.  Yes, it is
> checked now.
> So the dropdown is gone with no clue as to whether the switch is set. 
> I have to go back to check it.  It would be better to have the
> dropdown stay there and the check mark show up so one knows it
> happened.  I understand that this may be a poor Apple design.
> Tom

That is a menu, usually not called a window. If you want to (immediately) see 
whether it is checked or not, you can add the corresponding button to the 


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