John Clarke wrote:

> Terry,
> This is the error you get if you simply create three empty files (it's
> either history.dir or history.pag that causes this error).  You need to
> stop innd, delete history*, create the files with makehistory, fixup the
> permissions and names, then restart innd.

I do not know exactly what the original history error was, but once I
went through your proceedure a number of times, it came good, but....

The version I have is 2.3.3 and history setup is 
     touch history 
     makedbz -i
     mv history.n.* history.*

The limits error was because I added a newsgroup by hand, which is a
no-no with the db. I used to do this before with the flat file history.
I think using makehistory after hand adding the newsgroup may have been
a factor.

With 2.3.3 and empty I have a history.dir/hash/index, but no pag yet.
I'm just trying to get suck to feed some stuff into it atm.

BTW, it doesn't like innd start either. I guess there has been some
version changes.

Thanks for assistance.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
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