On Fri Mar 11, Nick Croft wrote:
Having a little trouble here with latex. I write things up at home,
check in xdvi, then mail the tex files to work for printing.

Recently any occurrence of `fi' is rendered by a greek letter. So a word
like Office become Of?ce. I'm not sure what to switch off or what kind of
package I'm using which does this.

Typical preamble:


Is latex using math mode without me asking for it? If so, can I specify text mode only?

I doubt that LaTeX is invoking math mode by itself. First I suspect it is a ligature problem as fi becomes a single glyph in the dvi file rather than a separate f and i. The same is true for ff and other character pairs.

Next, I am not sure when you mentioned mailing them to work whether you mail the test.tex file or the test.dvi file. I bet its the dvi file that you email and your system at work does not have that font. The system substitutes a font which has a greek character at the location that the ligature should be occupying. Maybe.....?

Also I dont have a font family called "put". What happens if you have instead 
cmr or cmss - does the problem go away?
What happens if you email the text file and run it on the machine at work?
What happens if you make the dvi file a PostScript file and send it to work?


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