* Michael Lake ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Fri Mar 11, Nick Croft wrote:
> >Having a little trouble here with latex. 

> I am not sure when you mentioned mailing them to work whether you 
> mail the test.tex file or the test.dvi file. 

Mike, thanks for your thoughts.

It's the .tex file I send. And sorry, I change it at the other end,
because unfortunately I can't get Utopia to work there, the installation 
at work is more recent and `put' (ps Utopia) is next to impossible to 
install and make work. Fortunately the home system is about 5 years old
(with upgrades to unstable) and utopia is still available.
> Also I dont have a font family called "put". What happens if you have 
> instead cmr or cmss - does the problem go away?

No, unfortunately.

> What happens if you make the dvi file a PostScript file and send it to 
> work?

I'll give that a go, it's an idea to work on. Never thought of it, thanks.

BTW with regard to Utopia, it relates to a theme I can't get out of my head,
that the Golden Age is over. Good working programmes are `improved' beyond
necessity. (I posted a lament on this about 6 months ago, and only got one
response). In the case of Utopia, it used to come with tetex-extra, but
since some licensing matter cam up, it is not standard issue. It's rumoured
to be used by the fourier-Gutenberg package, but you still need to get it
somewhere else, like http://www.tug.org/tex-archive/fonts/utopia/ but I
can't get them to be recognised, even following the instructions in
and using updmap. 

But I digress.

The fix so far is to substitute for `fi' f\hspace{0mm}i . Neat? Well it
works. Typical phrase: 'Supply and fit in your Office. Final service call'.

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