Hi Matthew,

I have previously run disk performance tests with ZFS. Certainly not a standard, but enough to characterise performance. At a high level performance with ZFS is akin to standalone native SSD.

see http://mechanical-sympathy.blogspot.com.au/2011/12/java-sequential-io-performance.html

Now there are lx-zones I would depreciate KVM usage. Networking performance with KVM is terrible.

We are using native zones for latency and performance sensitive processing and this
is more than acceptable for our use cases.

I am current working with a colleague in the mechanical sympathy community
to review performance of in memory queues on V4 hardware.

We have found performance within a given socket is consistent between native and LZ zones. We are getting about 1.1B msgs / second at > 9-11GB /s. This drops down to 4-5GB/s if you process cross sockets. It does seem a slight over head with LZ Zones cross sockets. We have quite some engineering effort to go, if we are to come close to the 35GB/s theoretical limit.

That said, the connivence of "taskset"ing processes to a given core range in linux is awesome. We are about a month away from being able publish benchmark tests.

I am yet to do network performance testing with LZ Zones.

The above all said, I would worry more about the physical placement of your applications on the hardware and engineering your solution to take advantage of 45MB caches and the
100-1 performance difference between CPU's and RAM.

What is your specific use case?


On 2016-09-27 09:57, Matthew Parsons wrote:
Is there a suite/script/configs for benchmarks that have emerged as
standardized in the smartos community? I'm most interested in disk
I/O, and would like to compare native linux hardware RAID vs MD RAID,
and Native zone hardware RAID vs. ZFS (without and with SLOG).

Ideally (time permitting) would want to test comparing native, LX
zone, and KVM. Anyone have ballpark figures of the performance
overhead those respective types, ideally of the various subsystems?
(Disk, CPU, network, memory)

In lieu of other options, I was planning to try a couple samples from
pkgsource, since they should be available/comparable on both most
platforms. Any suggestions/requests? (Bonnie++ vs iozone? lmbench vs
ubench?) Would prefer to use something with published numbers to
compare against.

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