On 1 Oct 2016, at 2:00, Ian Collins wrote:

On 10/ 1/16 12:43 PM, Matthew Parsons wrote:
(Sorry for the delay in replying.)

Please note I didn't ask "what matches my workload" or "please architect my setup for me" :P Mainly I just wanted something for a couple basic sanity checks that hardware is performing in the general ballpark of what it should, that there weren't any pathological issues w/ the drivers under SmartOS. Secondarily would be something that can run under native, LX, and KVM to compare relative overheads, and to compare against the same hardware running, say Ubuntu Server or CentOS. If it were something that there was a public database to compare against, that would be a bonus.

I stand by my initial reply :)

There really are too many variables to offer a generic solution. One obvious example is comparing lx-brand zone with KVM on a pool without decent log devices. Disk benchmarks will be shite in the KVM, but if the same setup had a log, things would be much closer (zones would still win!).

If I want a quick and dirty comparison, I use bonnie++ (or CrystalMark on a Windows KVM) and building gcc. The latter is a surprisingly good test; it will stress various aspects of your machine and has shown up numerous performance issues over the years. The single character write numbers from bonnie++ are pretty meaningless on ZFS.

FWIW, the main production workload that I will care about is a not-well threaded java server app, so single-threaded performance, coupled with a large-ish MySQL DB with frequent, random I/O both read and write.

bonnie++ and building gcc (both can be single or multi-threaded) should give you some decent comparisons.

A recent suggestion I was given was to build LLVM (and clang for platforms where it's available), and "possibly other core LLVM projects for good measure, such as LLVM's version of the C++ standard library".

There's a another scenario lurking here. Back in the day I had tools whose purpose was to test the hardware in a "fill the memory up, processor(s) too, and thrash the disks and network" kind of way. While the design aim of those tools was to test and burn in new hardware, they were a handy way of filling up a system to practice your monitoring skills and see what effects the available O/S tuning knobs and switches had.

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