
Thomas Landspurg wrote:
The good news is that we are communicating and discussing while progressing slowly. With Sebastian of CellHunter, we basically agree that Cell Hunter would upload is cells to OpenCellID while maintaining their own database for the purpose of the game. With Onen one of the idea (in my view, but Onen to confirm ) is that to enable a the GPS Logger to be connected to OpenCellID to upload cell informations directly.

For sure this is a possibility, either direct upload to OpenCellID, or as CellHunter plans to do, regular upload of new data (but for the moment I may like less the second, because it would mean we would still have many databases ;-), I still hope to see some merging).

Now, the main part remains the positionning of OpenBMap. The main difference (in my view) between OpenBMap and OpenCellID is that OpenBMap is more focused on getting accuracy for cells , while we (OpenCellID) are more concerned about having the biggest and complete coverage.

This is absolutely correct. I have the exact same opinion. That is the reason behind keeping more details about measures. This allows to gather a lot of data, but with time, we can trash the low quality ones, because we have got high quality ones since.

This brings three questions:
1. if you have big HPV-Dops, your position is not very precise. If you add to this that you have a high speed, then when you take your measure, the GPS position is very inaccurate. And the time you get notified that the GSM connection has changed, this adds to inaccuracy.

My question is: do people think this argument makes sense?

2. Do OpenCellID or CellHunter think this could be possible to add these extra fields to their database, and measures? This would allow to use inaccurate data, until when we have better ones. Then we could filter the low quality measures. I think we are still all learning a lot, and this would imply that extra fields could be added in the future. So this is probably not only a one shot change.

3. The database should also keep track of the software (id and version) which has logged the data: this allows to ignore/remove data which has been submitted by a buggy software, even if the bug is discovered much later. That is also the idea behind keeping the GSM chip model + Firmware version + GPS chip, etc...

It there was a way to export cells informations, I would be happy to import them to the main OpenCellID database, I can suggest to OpenBMap for instance to use OpenCellID interface for non existing cells in their database?

The idea behind the license of the data is exactly to allow this. I think that once we have clarified the situation, we can automate this.

Lastly some update of OpenCellID: we are now more than 210 000 cells ( http://www.opencellid.org/cell/stats ) and 19 000 000 of mesures which is already great, so having support of the FSO would definitively gives the final boost to the project. So thanks for the support for evrybody.

Yes we have followed the growth of your database. That's very good! Do not forget CellHunter which has grew over 2 000 000 measures! Congratulations to both of you!

Another point is the other signals than GSM. Our initial vision was to build a database of communicating objects, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc... Thomas do you intend to keep strictly GSM data in OpenCellID?
Sebastian same question with CellHunter?

May be good to add Jan to the thread, as he has started work on the databases?


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