
On Sat, 2009-04-04 at 02:42, Thomas Landspurg wrote:
>   The good news is that we are communicating and discussing while
> progressing slowly. With Sebastian of CellHunter, we basically agree that
> Cell Hunter would upload is cells to OpenCellID while maintaining their own
> database for the purpose of the game.


>   With Onen one of the idea (in my view, but Onen to confirm ) is that to
> enable a the GPS Logger to be connected to OpenCellID to upload cell
> informations directly.
>   Now, the main part remains the positionning of OpenBMap. The main
> difference (in my view) between OpenBMap and OpenCellID is that OpenBMap is
> more focused on getting accuracy for cells , while we (OpenCellID) are more
> concerned about having the biggest and complete coverage.

Having a good coverage is as important as having quality measurements. What is
about these fields in the db to store informations about the quality. Are you
willing to add them?

What about wifi accesspoints? Are you willing to add such things, too?

Stefan Schmidt

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