Hi gang, I just gotta chime in here.....

I know Tim and have flown with him and the rest of the SLNT crew as well as Tulsoar back in the day......I appreciate what Tim has thrown out here for us to chew on......no one has said that anyone should use this format in ALL contests, but it might be interesting to try it as Dave Register says.......it's occasionally not a bad idea to level the field a little, especially if there are newcomers in a club that might benefit from a contest where they just might not get hammered to last place because they couldn't make the precision times, or they can't afford more than an OLY for the time being.....they may be practicing, but they may also have a job and a family that they choose to spend time with that limits that practice time......but they still enjoy this wonderful hobby.....so once in awhile run a contest where their choices of practice level or aircraft doesn't necessarily doom them to the bottom of the pile.......no one enjoys coming in last or in the back of the pack every time.....but some folks may not have access to the hardware, time and even patience to get to the level of the really good fliers.....and this scoring system looks like it has that potential........I'm not saying let them win for the sake of winning, but you would be suprised just how much better a person might feel if he places in the middle of the pack instead of the bottom.....it might even entice him to practice more.......after that, then hammer them back into oblivion......

flame on!!


( Tim, I may see you guys Sunday)

Kevin O'Dell

On Jan 10, 2008, at 10:31 AM, Joe Rodriguez wrote:


I see and understand where you are going, and respectfully disagree. I fly model sailplanes to compete and so a contest to me is a test of skills among peers.

Like Golfing I work at every aspect of flying to improve my game in order to get that edge on the less skilled, the less prepared and the less knowledgeable. So for me when it all comes together for a win or high place, the taste of victory is sweet although brief is very addictive. This is what keeps me going I can fun fly anytime!! I look forward to a true contest of skills.

To level the playing field and to reward players for not being prepared, less skilled or less practiced will give them a false sense of success. They will wonder why they got there A%$ handed to them when they attend a real contest, and who fault is that?


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