Yes, I agree with Simon on this. A simple script that dupes, merges, rename's 
and poly reduces would probably do the trick

Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 11:17:24 +0000
Subject: Re: ICE - How to quickly build low-poly geometry on high poly meshes

Polygon reduction does a pretty good job for this kind of thing really 
especially as you can preserve volume etc.
Maybe you just need a basic script?Select some objects, duplicate, rename apply 
poly reduction to them?

Would that be enough?

Simon Reeves

London, UK

On 18 December 2013 11:09, Matt Morris <> wrote:

You Could try Guillaume Laforge's convex hull custom ice node:

On 18 December 2013 10:47, Nicolas Esposito <> wrote:

Hi all,
I'm building a set that will be imported into a game engine ( UDK )

So what I need to do is to create for each mesh a low poly version of itself, 
that will basically behave as an "invisible geometry physical entity" inside 
the game engine, means that the player can't go through the object ( for 
example a wall ) as its blocking the player

So I'm not too concern about the low poly mesh to be 100% accurate, I just need 
some kind of simple geometry.
I'm doing something similar by duplicating by meshes, join some of them 
together, and then apply the polygon reduction tool in order to have a low poly 
mesh of the object

I would like to make a quicker way to create low poly meshes, maybe by creating 
a compound that can be shared among the high poly meshes ( or applied to a 
group of meshes ), and if possible be able to rename the created low poly mesh 
with a suffix named "UCX_" ( which renamer do you suggest to batch rename 

I haven't tried yet to build geometry in ICE, so I was wondering if something 
like this can be done quickly in ICE



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