I think the video has got to be visually stunning. Short (i.e. doable) but
very epic, and Paul's idea fits the bill.
Also, I completely hate the thought of doing a documentary with interviews.
"How do you feel about the discontinuation of Softimage?" - "Well, it
certainly has affected us a lot, and..." *YAAAAWWWN* Seriously, who'd watch

I'm willing to put aside time for Paul's idea. If nothing else, at least we
go out with a bang.
I have been using SI for around 9 years. These days I mostly do modeling,
texturing, lighting and build lots of ICE tools. But in the past I've also
been paid to rig, animate, matchmove and comp. So I qualify for the
generalist category.

Hopefully Paul can pull off the coordination of this.


On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 4:37 PM, <p...@bustykelp.com> wrote:
>>   Wow so that's 41 people so far!! I never imagined this would happen.
>> Its also rather intimidating. I certainly can't lead this on my own, so
>> who would like to help coordinate it?
>> I'd also like to nail the basis for the idea down soon or we'll be all
>> over the place.
>> This is my idea, cleaned up a bit, with suggestions from Doeke Wartena
>> who aptly likened it to Forest Gump's running sequence.
>> I thought Greg would be a good start, as he still has a lot of followers
>> on you-tube and is kind of known. I had a big response from the VFX
>> industry when I made it.
>>  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o9Fod9KigU
>> We start with Greg Mutt (see above) doing a video blog about Soft being
>> killed.. He suddenly jumps up and  says You know what? Screw this!! and
>> stomps off screen.
>> We cut to him walking down a street with purpose.
>> Then we cut to various other CGI characters or entities, leaving
>> buildings, walking, running. making their way somewhere.
>> The shots get bigger as more and more CGI things join the walking groups.
>> Its starts getting Epic. Godzilla Stomps through times Square as a bunch
>> of Lego-like characters run beneath him etc
>> We see Greg again, riding on a Trex, past Mount Rushmore, as helicopters
>> fly past . George Washington's stone face says 'Go for it Greg!'
>> Tokyo and a bunch of Manga characters strut down the neon streets looking
>> mean and others looking Cute join them.
>> Paris and a bunch of Monsters stick out their thumbs to hitch a ride.  a
>> massive spaceship descends.
>> etc ( increasingly epic ideas along these lines are up for grabs.)
>> Eventually an awesome throng of CGI characters, and entities gather at
>> the HQ of Autodesk.. (this could be CGI and Stylised. Black and Imposing)
>> They are carrying banners, such as 'make Softimage not war'. They stop..
>> Greg hesitates, from behind him, a character walks to the door.
>> It is a little cute Manga girl . she presses the buzzer a reply comes.
>> 'Hello, this is Autodesk. Press 1 if you want information on Maya. Press
>> 2 if you want information on Max, press...' (this bit needs more thought)
>> She leans in and whispers 'Please don't kill us'
>> SAVE SOFTIMAGE slams onto screen
>> I don't want to force anyone to do this idea, but if the general
>> consensus is that its a decent start then its worth building on I think. I
>> think the good thing about it is that its a simple premise, yet allows for
>> great creative freedom.

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