What i don't understand is why Maya dev team, wait sooooooooo long(years!!)
to be reunited with Softimage dev-team, to began listening customers about
new implementations or new workflows. Where were you 5 years ago? Merging
AD acquisitions into Maya? Buying duct-tape?

AD is a biggg BIG company, is not an small one, and the only way i could
understand this, is that AD didn't like their own M&E division from the
beginning, so they gave them a small amount of resources; so
"dev-teams"(Maya and Max) where only correcting bugs, nothing else.

Why you need to kill Softimage, to put all those already "few" resources
into Maya/Max/Softimage, and after 2016 version MAYBe.. MAYBE will began to
see some improvements.

Maybe there's amazing and talented people on the devs-team, but i think
they're wasting their time trying to "see" Softimage workflows and applying
them to Maya. This is not "Pimp my Ride", you can't just go acquire few
plugins or applications and merge things and called them "NEW FEATURES".

Maya was bad designed from the beginning, so at the end AD is going to
loose more money, they could add w/e they want, but they'll never have a
nice base to construct.

That's why they killed the wrong software; Softimage had that base, but
they didn't care.

As people said before, if you really want to do something good, at least AD
could learn from Maya Errors. START OVER! from the beginning. Make a NEW
"SoftMayax", with a good base for the coming decades.

my two cents,

sorry for english.

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 6:05 PM, Doeke Wartena <clankil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> hey Paul,
> i think they will never change that cause all maya users that are used to
> those illogical things will get confused if things start to make sense.
> 2014-03-20 21:22 GMT+01:00 Paul Griswold <
> pgrisw...@fusiondigitalproductions.com>:
> Hi Yang-hai,
>> There have been plenty of great posts already, but I'll give my
>> quick-n-dirty approach to whether or not an app is user-friendly.
>> Can I open the application, create a primitive (usually a torus), add a
>> material, a light, look through the camera view to set up an image and
>> render a single still without any help?
>> In Maya I could not.  I had no idea how to look through the camera.  It's
>> apparently a common question because as soon as I started typing in Google,
>> "Maya how to" it finished my sentence with "look through the camera".
>> To me, that's really bad design.
>> Other things.... I wanted to switch from wireframe to a shaded view, so I
>> click on View in the viewport.  You would think that View would mean View,
>> but it apparently doesn't.  In order to change the View I have to choose
>> Shading.  I would have thought Shading had something to do with surfacing
>> my object, not the View.
>> I see a menu called Renderer & think to myself, "hey, I wonder what
>> render engines I can pick?".  No Renderer doesn't mean Renderer in Maya.
>>  It means something entirely different.  Why does that menu even exist if
>> it has nothing to do with rendering???  You then also have a TAB that's
>> called Rendering (not Renderer) which is actually where you choose a
>> surface??  Why??  And why are there lights under a Rendering tab??
>> Then there's a menu called Panels.  Panels means nothing to me.  Panels
>> are what you buy at a home improvement store.  What is a Panel?  Why would
>> anyone choose that name?  It has zero meaning.
>> I could go on and on, but honestly it is probably second only to Blender
>> in bad interface design.  It's not in need of a make-over, it should be
>> completely and utterly thrown away and you should start with a fresh, clean
>> slate.  Allow the old-farts to boot up Maya in compatibility mode to keep
>> all the garbage, but you should start with a totally fresh interface.
>> Otherwise you're putting lipstick on a pig.
>> -Paul
>> On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 3:40 PM, Yang-hai Eakes <
>> yang-hai.ea...@autodesk.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Perry,
>>> Honestly, your voice is more important than any internal user, and
>>> that's the main reason.
>>> What I'm really trying to understand is what "you" want/need as a user,
>>> as a workflow from Softimage, and that's why I found this thread so helpful.
>>> Yes, we have internal people that are helping us understand and will be
>>> helping implement some of these feature/workflows, but we also want to make
>>> sure we are listening the user, you.
>>> Thanks for not beating me up!
>>> Yang-hai
>>> From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com [mailto:
>>> softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] On Behalf Of Perry Harovas
>>> Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 3:11 PM
>>> To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
>>> Subject: Re: How long will it take (?)
>>> Yang-hai,

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