On 03/20/14 14:33, Yang-hai Eakes wrote:
As many of us at Autodesk, I honestly think you have some very strong points here and please rest assured that we are listening. 
Hi Yang-hai

Sorry I'm sure you mean well ,
but while I somewhat suspected someone would eventually  jump on this saying "we are listening"
and while I don't necessarily object to this "repurposing criticisms into requests"

AND apart that ALL these things have been in highly requested since litterally forever......

AND that a list like that could easily be made in regards to every other aspect,

.. the overlooking of the title and the crux of reposing David's post,
was actually quite predictable.

And was ( of course.. but whatever ) to shed light on the distance to which Maya still has to travel before actually catching-up on a number of fronts.
( and (yet again) to shed light on the (quite) *overwhelming prematurity* of the decision )

So if I could remind the title of the thread which was 
"Re: How long will it take (?)"

and perhaps  < We are ( very-very-selectively ) listening >
would have been a more accurate statement.

Otherwise, Yep..  indeed,  pretty strong points David pointed-out . . . . .

and given that (considerable) distance,  and everything that's already on your plate,
AND how "deep in the software" most of those things would touch,
.. "assured" may be exactly what everyone may be pretty far from being ..

(ie; in that list, there was 1 (bullet-)point (a baby step) solved (from an aquired plugin) in 1.5 years)

Thank You.

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