I think the key phrase is 'Maya renderer' - who uses that anymore?

I'm almost positive there is an equivalent to object to cluster constraint out 
of the box in Maya.  I think it's classified as a deformer for meshes (wrap?), 
but I cannot say for sure as it's been many years since I've had to use  it.


From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com 
[mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] On Behalf Of Jordi Bares
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 11:47 AM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Re: A confession

You must be joking!!!


Jordi Bares

On 20 Mar 2014, at 16:59, David Gallagher 
<davegsoftimagel...@gmail.com<mailto:davegsoftimagel...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Exactly. For example, in Maya there is no object to cluster constraint, so you 
have to use a 3rd party tool Rivet to attach things to geometry. But if you 
need to apply a Smooth to render it in the Maya renderer, it explodes.
So, don't use the Maya renderer, or...
You can use djRivet, which uses follicles intead of edges, but which relies 
on.... UV's being present.
Works great.. until you change the UVs in any way.

Not really a non-linear workflow. It's more like a circular workflow.

On 3/20/2014 10:22 AM, Adam Sale wrote:
Something I have found in the last couple weeks, which I personally find mind 
numbing is how tied to UVs some tools are.

Hair work... try and groom something, and then realize you need to tweak your 
UVs. Gotta start over
Painting weights. Gotta have UV's to do smoothing.  - Edit the Uv's.. start 

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 9:02 AM, Mirko Jankovic 
<mirkoj.anima...@gmail.com<mailto:mirkoj.anima...@gmail.com>> wrote:
but why scripting is new artist tool!
REAL artist model in full screen text editor! who needs viewport at all
start notepad, and begin typing coordinates for each vertex...
that is how REAL hardcore stuff is done.

buttons are for p.......

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 4:34 PM, Morten Bartholdy 
<x...@colorshopvfx.dk<mailto:x...@colorshopvfx.dk>> wrote:

IMHO scripting is for making crappy software work at all (Maya) and for 
creating something special with good software that has buttons for all the 
ordinary stuff (XSI).
I simply don't have time to learn scripting, not least because my mind doesn't 
lend itself to that kind of thinking and remembering syntax etc. My time is 
better spent figuring out how to do great stuff with ICE. The only scripting I 
do is some half arsed copy pasting from the script editor to facilitate unified 
pass setups across multiple shots and similar stuff on that level. That I can 
do :)


Den 20. marts 2014 kl. 13:42 skrev Greg Punchatz 
"Just learn to script"

It's not that easy for every one...

My brain simply does not work that way, I would rather keep polishing my art 
skills and learn all the amazing new painting tools  than learn to script. 
Being person with dyslexia makes its more than a bit difficult for me to jump 
on the scripting train.

All this talk of the reality of the need for constant scripting as part of your 
daily work flows in Maya makes me literally sick to my stomach....

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