The scope and quality of work shows here is stunning and a tribute to the
vision of those who designed XSI and ICE. At the risk of being
non-constructive, this really does serve to underline the sheer scope of
AD's short sightedness. They are killing an application that is 5 years
ahead of Maya, so that they can focus on creating features and future
products that one can only hope will offer the same power and
flexibility....5 years from now.

It will be interesting to see what AD has to offer in 2 years from now and
whether it even comes close to plugging the gaping holes that have created.

On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 10:45 AM, Ed Manning <> wrote:

> I really can't imagine a CEO of any company the size of AD taking the time
> to pay that much attention to videos he probably doesn't have the technical
> background or context to even follow them.
> I doubt Bass even made, or had to sign off on, the decision to kill Soft,
> anyway.
> It would be nice to reach him on a personal level, I agree, but in a
> rational world, only in order to take advantage of his level of influence
> and control to reverse this decision.  Not likely, however.

Andre De Angelis

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