Redshift is brilliant, and really a bargain in terms of price.
It uses GPU, so you have to have a good graphics card, but it
really works amazingly well.

Delivered 3 projects in it already, one of them was while it was an alpha

On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Nancy Jacobs <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I was beginning to ponder, in another thread, some rendering issues in SI.
> I've never really liked mental ray, tried to, spent a long time studying
> it, and could never get the kind of aesthetic I was able to achieve in
> Lightwave, with the Steve Worley plugin FPrime, or the newer Kray, which
> was beginning a promising development about when I left. Seems to have
> taken off now, too.
> I ported several projects over from Lightwave to XSI some years ago, and
> tried to reproduce the very nice rendering results I got in Lightwave.
> Totally different system of course. I figured it was one good approach to
> learning mental ray. Well, I couldn't get anywhere close, and it was a
> struggle, and I never really got acceptable results. Every other aspect of
> the projects went so much better, though, in XSI. And there was animation
> in XSI I couldn't even begin to do in Lightwave.
> I need fast GI effects, that's integral to what I do. A lot of interior
> architectural-like surfaces. Not necessarily total realism, just an
> aesthetic -- I need to really be able to get in there and tweak things and
> make them work. I use a lot of HDR lighting, I know how to hand tweak it in
> photoshop, or create it from scratch, and I like to use that to control my
> light and color. I've used FG quite a bit, and am not always happy how it
> translates things. GI is way too slow in my scenes.
> FPrime and Kray had a way of handling these GI lighting effects that was
> very efficient, and tweakable. That's the one thing from Lightwave that I
> REALLY miss. Anything comparable for Softimage?
> I remember I also could get some reflectivity and ray tracing in Lightwave
> at a fraction of the rendering time mental ray takes. I can't use it at all
> in mental ray, with GI (including FG) except on a single object basis. Not
> for animation on many frames, too costly. But I do like the nodal texturing
> system built into SI.
> Anyway, considering these factors, is there any rendering solution for SI
> that anyone can recommend that will give me what I'm looking for? That
> isn't too expensive...
> Thanks,
> Nancy Jacobs


Perry Harovas
Animation and Visual Effects <>

-25 Years Experience
-Member of the Visual Effects Society (VES)

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