Hi Eric:

What kind of expressions are you dealing with that's causing slowdown in the scene? I've found that they actually evaluate pretty fast short of making a C++ plugin. If you're writing them as Python, it might be a bit of a bottleneck I've found.

@ Sebastien: There's not really a list per se...but most of the useful ones related to rigging will be in the hypershade > Maya > utilities. There's some simple tricks here and there (such as using condition nodes to clamp values instead of the actual clamp node for certain inputs) that you should be aware of, but unfortunately the reality is that you'll have to get used to either making your own nodes or living with the smaller variety of utility nodes OOTB.

Yours sincerely,
Siew Yi Liang

On 4/20/2014 2:46 PM, Sebastien Sterling wrote:
Is there actually a comprehensive list of all the editable nodes ? the ones you might use for rigging ?

On 20 April 2014 19:25, Ben Barker <ben.bar...@gmail.com <mailto:ben.bar...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I remember chaining up multDoubleLinears once, so maybe it wasn't
    always in there.

    Searching for maya help is like searching for ringtones or song
    lyrics. The signal:noise ratio of google results is pretty bad.
    You usually end up in the tall grass of CGtalk threads from 2007.

    On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 1:53 PM, Eric Turman <i.anima...@gmail.com
    <mailto:i.anima...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Brilliant! Thank you very much, I would not have thought of
        looking there. Now I can stop pouring over the internet
        looking for a solution and get back to work ;)

        It is odd that this didn't come up in any Google searches.

        Thanks again Ben :)

        I'm so glad that this list is still alive.

        On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 12:44 PM, Ben Barker
        <ben.bar...@gmail.com <mailto:ben.bar...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            multiplyDivide node can do power.

            On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Eric Turman
            <i.anima...@gmail.com <mailto:i.anima...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                I'm porting over some of my core rig components. when
                I hit a brick wall...

                Maya having no exponent or power nodes?!?!

                Sure I could roll my own in C++ if my C++ code-fu was
                strong enough or use one of the plugins that have
                already been compiled.

                The problems are:
                1) I can not require a client to figure out how to
                install a plugin in order for a rig to work
                2) None of these plugins that I can find have been
                compiled for Maya 2015

                Maya's expressions are too slow to evaluate. Does
                anyone have any suggestions of how I can get around
                this in the node editor without resorting to a plugin?

                I swear, the "brilliant" mastermind behind EOLing
                Softimage deserves several sharp kicks in the yarbles >.<






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