Thanks Perry, good to hear the opinion of someone who's actually
transitioning. Have you used referencing much - characters in particular?

On 2 June 2014 14:12, Perry Harovas <> wrote:

> Hi David,
> In my limited time with skinning in C4D, you just need to add the new
> model parts to the weight of
> whatever joint you want to control them. It isn't a problem, really.
> In other ways, C4D is actually more non-linear than Soft. This is minus
> ICE, of course, which puts it over the top
> in terms of non-linearity.
> However, certain things are much easier to change.
> Put a deformer on an object, it deforms it.
> Want to swap that same deformer with animation to another object, just
> drag it to the other object in the hierarchy.
> You can usually just put a model and deformers into a null, and it will
> deform the geometry grouped under that null,
> allowing you to keep throwing more objects (or take out objects) from that
> group to control what get influenced.
> Soft cares about the specific points of the object you select to get
> deformed, and as a result, you can't (again, without ICE) just deform
> something
> that is inside a Null hierarchy. Not only can you in C4D, but that is the
> normal way it works, making deformers and many things that alter an object
> more portable between different objects with totally different point count
> and order.
> When doing rigging with joints, it is (of course) concerned with points as
> expected, but as I said above, you just
> add those newly created points to the weighting of the joint it should
> deform and away you go.
> It is hard to type this without constantly clarifying that all this is far
> more flexible with ICE counted in the mix.
> I have barely scratched the surface with Xpresso, the C4D "equivalent" of
> ICE, but upon first impressions, many things
> are possible in Xpresso that we do in ICE. Most likely, many things we do
> in ICE are also NOT possible in Xpresso as well.
> Which things and how many of them are going to take me a long time to
> figure out.
> On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 8:04 AM, Ben Beckett <> wrote:
>> Maya is VERY SLOW
>> On 2 June 2014 10:47, Cristobal Infante <> wrote:
>>> I believe nodal shading for C4D is coming very soon, it's one of the top
>>> requests from uesrs..
>>> On 2 June 2014 10:30, David Saber <> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Perry for your testimonial about C4D. How does non linearity
>>>> feels? Obvious example: going back to modelling after skining?
>>>> David
> --
> Perry Harovas
> Animation and Visual Effects
> <>
> -25 Years Experience
> -Member of the Visual Effects Society (VES)


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