Hey Sven,

I'm not sure you have the right to police this list like that. I don't mind if this kind of stuff is posted here. So when you use the word "we" I'm not sure who you're speaking for but it certainly isn't the whole of this list.

Anyone wanting to share new ways of working and tools should be able to. This wasn't forbidden before the EOL for Softimage so it shouldn't be now. Especially since the EOL.

Eric T.

On 5/14/2015 5:10 PM, Sven Constable wrote:

Hey Chris, we have some problem if people want to promote their software in a inappropriate way. ADSK did this this on the list. Newtek an SideFX did it as well. It's alright. But please keep in mind, this is the softimage mailing list.

If I want to model with hobbyist software, controlled by hobbyists I will choose Blender. If you want to promote a software for hobbyists, you should use the appropiate forums.


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