I was wondering, "What if" i tried to do some personal work with an illegal
softimage license for a product that is dead? Does AD police come to my
house? Or let's say..AD would not worry about it because they don't believe
in the "power" of Softimage, or i'm only in trouble if i use it for
commercial purposes?  Can at least AD let us use it for personal purposes
or reels for example? (yes i know there's a student version). But.. "what
if".  just saying..

Besides this whole situation THEY created is a disproportional mess from
every angle, at least they can try to open their bank account for a..
$1500+ new perpetual license? I can't die without getting one.. is just
that paying $3500+ for something i will not use, damn... are companies this
days are playing "take it or leave it" ?

On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 4:52 AM, Patrick Neese <patrickne...@gmail.com>

> Only if you bought a network license...i being a hobbyist, read not making
> profit and working solo, didnt know about the differences, i recall being
> told by a reseller on the phone just before purchase it came with batch
> licenses...it does...just for processing. Also paying 3k+ to begin with was
> tough and the network license wasn't even mentioned by my reseller when i
> said i wanted to buy xsi. My reseller also told me i could use softimage on
> a work computer and mobile/home computer...'so you really get two licenses'
> or whatever his exact wording was *buzzer sound* wrong. if you read the
> eula...you can install on two...but cant render/use them at the same time.
> My buying experience wasn't fun.  I felt like i never had to jump through
> so many hoops to find someone to hand thousands of dollars to for anything,
> need less get a digital license key some kid in his basement could
> generate.  Prior to knowing this info about the network license I decided
> to get the entertainment bundle upgrade because with the softimage discount
> and entertainment upgrade discount i was getting everything for the price
> of softimage and mudbox...talked myself into paying a little cc interest
> for stretching paying it off.  Which mudbox turned out to be...not worth
> the money, imho.  This is the most expensive purchase for a hobby and
> fourth highest purchase I had ever made at that point.
> Turns out that "great" cross grade/upgrade meant I couldn't upgrade just
> softimage later, when i was informed of the difference in licenses (its not
> just for studios with x number of users).  i now needed to now buy a
> network upgrade for the entire entertainment bundle, no longer on sale. not
> just a softimage upgrade.  Oh, the fun licensing stuff you arent aware of
> until you need/want something. Just like when I was informed by a reseller
> years earlier that if i bought the educational version  (prior to ad making
> everthing free to students) i could upgrade to retail for much less....this
> was also incorrect. Resellers really know their stuff huh... There was no
> upgrade path for softimage at that time.  Maya and max sure...not softimage.
> So anyway...now here i was...months after i bought softimage, after my
> original edu purchase of a perpetual edu license had already stopped
> working (the dongle died a third time and now ad owned softimage and didnt
> support the dongle), having the seperate edu upgrade issue,  the eol notice
> and the information that i would need to pay 3k or something to get 5
> render licenses for an eol product.  It felt insane...because i knew at
> that very moment somewhere in the world...someone was illegally
> downloading/using softimage and having a better experience.
> Which alway makes me think...i should learn blender...then i try using
> blender and remember how bad the ui sucks. Then i remember that AD didnt
> come up with softimage...and now its dead because of them and their years
> of uninteresting features. Then i want a drink.
> If only i had 35 million to offer to buy softimage from ad.  Can we not
> kickstart that?
> In the end even if i could upgrade just softimage to networm...i dont
> think i can justify giving more money to a company that i feel has left me
> and many others high and dry through their actions or the reseller process
> or the cs processes they choose to use.  Which is why i would love to be
> able to transfer licenses and pay just the original owner...but us laws
> around IP are at times insane.
> On Sep 16, 2015 2:37 AM, <pete...@skynet.be> wrote:
>> doesn’t a Softimage license come with 5 or so batch licenses - or was
>> this changed at some point?
>> *From:* Patrick Neese <patrickne...@gmail.com>
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 15, 2015 10:23 PM
>> *To:* softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
>> *Subject:* Re: Soft licenses still available for purchase?
>> As a hobbyist with a single license...I fear the day I create something
>> worth while that I have to figure out how to render with more than one
>> machine...since I only have one Mental Ray license for softimage.  I'm
>> trying to learn Maya...  It is unfortunate I can't have a softimage/mental
>> ray license (or 20)  transferred to me from someone who just isn't using
>> the software anymore...or...is that possible? It appears the LSA could
>> allow for a transfer via written approval by Autodesk (2.1.1 of the 2014
>> LSA) :) It's worth a shot :)

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